Mar 12, 2025
General Occupational Technology - Diploma (D55280)
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General Education Courses
(6 SHC) General education course work includes study in the areas social and behavioral sciences and English composition. The following courses are required: Behavioral/Social Sciences Elective
Select one course from the following prefixes: ANT, GEO, HIS, POL, PSY, or SOC. Major Courses
(26 SHC) Select a minimum 26 SHC from a combination of major courses for curriculums approved to be offered by the college. Courses which offer specific job knowledge and skills must be included. Work experience, including work-based learning, practicums, and internships, may be included in the degree program up to a maximum of 4 SHC. Other Required Hours
(4 SHC) Local employer requirements, as well as college designated graduation requirements, are accommodated in other required hours. The following courses (4 SHC) are required: Total Semester Hours Credit 36
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