Feb 18, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog 

General Information

About Edgecombe Community College

Edgecombe Community College (ECC) is located in the eastern part of North Carolina in Edgecombe County, approximately 75 miles east of Raleigh. The county is rural with a majority of the land used for farming. During the past three decades, farm employment has declined due to mechanization, and employment in the high tech manufacturing sector and service sector has increased.

Edgecombe Technical Institute began as an extension unit of Wilson County Technical Institute. In 1967, the college came under complete Edgecombe County administration, thus dissolving the relationship with Wilson County Technical Institute. The final step to full institutional independence came in the spring of 1971 when the General Assembly made all technical institutes of North Carolina independent of any local boards of education and granted government by a 12-member Board of Trustees. The Legislature has since designated a 13th nonvoting member to the Board of Trustees, the SGA President. In 1987, the name of the college was officially changed to Edgecombe Community College. In 1997, the college changed from the quarter system to the semester system as mandated by the North Carolina Community College System. ECC is one of the 58 colleges that make up the North Carolina Community College System. The System was approved by the General Assembly of North Carolina in 1963 and is provided for in the General Statutes of North Carolina, Chapter 115-A. General supervision of the system falls under the State Board of Community Colleges.The NCCCS celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2013.

The college’s main campus is located on 120 acres 2.5 miles south of Tarboro and comprises 11 buildings. ECC also operates a campus in the Edgecombe County portion of Rocky Mount. This campus covers one city block and comprises three buildings. The college’s newest structure, the Biotechnology and Medical Simulation Center, opened on the Rocky Mount campus in January 2016. The state-of-the-art, 45,000-square-foot building features a simulated hospital environment that is raising the standard of healthcare education throughout the region.

Through a wide selection of programs and courses, ECC seeks to improve both the quality of life and the economic outlook of its students and area residents. With classes in subjects from English Literature to Statistical Process Control, ECC is equipping its students with practical skills that enable them to excel in their careers, homes, and communities. All ECC graduates are given an opportunity to complete Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) testing, a nationally recognized job skills assessment system. With ECC’s flexible scheduling, the success that comes with higher education is easier to achieve. Classes for traditional and non-traditional students are available during the day, evening, and weekend to accommodate individual needs.

Vision Statement

Edgecombe Community College will be the “preferred choice” for quality education and training.

Mission Statement

Edgecombe Community College is a comprehensive two-year institution dedicated to fulfilling the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.

College Goals

GOAL I      To provide a comprehensive range of educational opportunities, quality training, and educational access to all eligible adults in the College’s service area.

  • Provide a broad range of Associate Degree, Diploma, and Certificate programs.
  • Provide a broad range of Continuing Education programs.
  • Provide Learning Resource Center services and distance learning opportunities that enable students to meet their educational goals.
  • Provide support services to assist students in meeting their educational needs and goals.
  • Improve cooperative relationships with public and private schools, colleges, and universities.
  • Stimulate and support economic growth in the Service Area through education, training, and retraining of its citizens.

GOAL II      To provide workforce development opportunities and cutting edge technology training.

  • Grow workforce preparedness by fostering new collaborative partnerships.
  • Assist economic development efforts by partnering in the recruitment of new industry.
  • Provide nationally recognized educational certifications to students and the community.
  • Model and advance the principles of sustainability.

GOAL III      To ensure quality throughout the College.

  • Evaluate and ensure quality instructional services.
  • Employ, retain, and support highly qualified personnel with diverse backgrounds.
  • Provide quality facilities, equipment, resources, services, and environment.
  • Ensure, through a planned process, the College has clearly identified priorities, strategies for achieving goals and sustaining progress, and a means for evaluating their effectiveness.
  • Provide effective leadership and sound management practices.
  • Allocate funding equitably to meet these goals.

GOAL IV      To promote global and cultural awareness in our community.

  • Provide community service activities and programs.
  • Encourage study abroad programs and foreign exchange opportunities.
  • Recruit and support students with diverse backgrounds.
  • Raise community awareness of global issues including social equity by providing new learning opportunities and resources.
  • Inspire the community, staff, and students to be responsible environmental stewards.

Academic Calendar

The current academic calendar for Edgecombe Community College may be viewed online by visiting the ECC Events Calendar on the college website.

Degree, Diploma, and Certificate Programs

ECC offers a wide variety of college credit curriculum programs. Courses in many areas are available day, night, on weekends, and through distance education.

Degree Programs

The college awards four degrees: Associate in Arts, Associate in General Education, Associate in Science, and Associate in Applied Science. The Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees are designed for those students who wish to transfer to a four-year college or university after completing their first two years at ECC. Associate in Applied Science degree programs prepare students for entry level jobs in paraprofessional fields as technicians; however, students may transfer some credits to selected colleges and universities for further study. Students take general education courses in addition to courses of an occupational nature. The Associate in General Education degree program is designed for the academic enrichment of students who wish to broaden their education, with emphasis on personal interest, growth and development. Graduates are prepared for advancements within their field of interest and become better qualified for a wide range of employment opportunities. Degree programs require 64-76 semester hours of credit. Each graduate must demonstrate competence in communication skills, mathematical reasoning skills, technological skills, cultural and global awareness, critical thinking, and sustainability skills.

Diploma Programs

Diploma programs are designed to provide training that will enable graduates to enter a skilled occupation at the entry level and to progress rapidly to the skilled or craftsman level. Diploma programs require a minimum of thirty-six (36) semester hours of credit and include courses in communication skills and social sciences.

Certificate Programs

Certificates are awarded to students who successfully complete an identified twelve to eighteen (12-18) semester hours of credit in a curriculum program.

Financial Assistance Opportunities

ECC offers a variety of financial aid opportunities, especially for students who without aid would be unable to begin or to continue their college education. Typically three-fourths of ECC students receive financial aid each year. Types of financial aid include grants, scholarships, loans, and on-campus work study jobs. Financial aid is available to students who demonstrate need and who are enrolled in degree or diploma granting programs as well as certificate programs. Applicants must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for funds from most of the programs. Some programs require additional forms. Students needing financial assistance should contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible for information and applications at (252) 823-5166.

Evening / Weekend Courses and Services

ECC offers evening classes Monday through Thursday throughout the year as well as daytime classes on Saturdays and Sundays. Courses in college transfer and technical areas are available. Each class usually meets one or two nights a week during a 16-week semester. Students may attend on a part-time basis. Additionally, courses are offered in continuing education and basic skills at both on-campus and off-campus locations.

The Evening Directors assist students in coping with college and meeting other needs. The Student Services Department is open, and placement assessment is administered during evening hours. Interested persons should contact Student Services for an appointment. The Financial Aid Office staff is also available by appointment to assist curriculum students with financial aid concerns.

The library is open Monday through Thursday in the evenings for the convenience of students. The bookstore also has special evening hours, which are announced on the campus message boards. Snacks and drinks are available in the Student Lounge and other campus buildings on the evenings that classes are in session.

For further information about evening and weekend programs, students should contact the Evening Director on either campus at (252) 823-5166.

Accreditation and Memberships

Edgecombe Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Edgecombe Community College. The Commission on Colleges should be contacted only if there is evidence that appears to support an institution’s significant non-compliance with a requirement or standard.

In addition, the Cosmetology, Manicuring Technology, and Esthetics Technology programs are approved and governed by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. The Barbering program is approved by the North Carolina Barbering Board.

The Early Childhood Associate Degree Program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children

The Associate in Applied Science degree in Health Information Technology program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM - <http://www.cahiim.com>.

The Medical Assisting Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in association with the Curriculum Review Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants Endowment (AAMAE).

The Nursing programs - Associate in Applied Science and Practical Nursing - are approved by the North Carolina State Board of Nursing. The Nursing Assistant/Nursing Aide I and Medication Aide programs are approved and in compliance with the Division of Health Service Regulation.

The Radiography Program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).

The Respiratory Therapy program is accredited by the Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (Co ARC).

The Surgical Technology Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in association with the Accreditation Review Committee on Education in Surgical Technology.

Institutional memberships include the American Association of Community Colleges, the American Council on Education, the Association of Community College Trustees, the Council of Higher Education Accreditation, the North Carolina Association of Community College Trustees, the Rural Community College Alliance, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and the Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges.

Collaborative and Contractual Agreements

Business and Technologies Collaborative Agreement

ECC collaborates with one college to offer business and technology degree program opportunities to students. Students may apply for admission to these programs and transfer successfully completed arts and sciences general education courses from ECC. They complete most of the major courses in this business and technology program at the college offering the program. ECC participates in a collaborative program in the following area:

  • Healthcare Management Technology Collaborative Agreement with Halifax Community College

Health Sciences Collaborative Agreements

ECC collaborates with other colleges to offer health science program opportunities to students. Students may apply for admission to any of these programs and transfer successfully completed arts and sciences general education courses from ECC. They complete most of the major courses in these Health Sciences programs at the colleges offering the programs. ECC participates in collaborative programs in the following areas:

  • Biotechnology Collaborative Agreement with Pitt Community College
  • Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology for Radiographers Consortium Agreement with Johnston Community College and Vance-Granville Community College
  • Dental Assisting Collaborative Agreement with Martin Community College
  • Dental Hygiene Collaborative Agreement with Halifax Community College
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology Consortium Agreement with Johnston Community College and Vance-Granville Community College

Students who are interested in one or more of these Health Sciences programs should contact the program chair or the Student Services Department.

Comprehensive Articulation Agreement

The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between the University of North Carolina System and many of the North Carolina independent colleges and universities and the North Carolina Community College System creates opportunities for transfer of course credits between the college and constituent institutions of the UNC System and certain independent colleges and universities.

Edgecombe Community College and Area Universities Articulation Agreements

East Carolina University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, North Carolina Wesleyan, St. Augustine University, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington participate in articulation agreements with ECC.

Career and College Promise Program for High School Students

Qualified North Carolina juniors and seniors can begin their two or four year college work, tuition free, while they are in high school. This will allow them to get a head start on their workplace and college work. Through a partnership with the N. C. Department of Public Instruction, the N.C. Community College System, the University of North Carolina System, and many independent colleges and universities, North Carolina is helping eligible high school students to begin earning college credit at a community college at NO cost to them or their families.

Career and College Promise provides three pathways to help eligible students:

  1. College Transfer Pathways (CTP) - Earn tuition-free college credits toward a four-year degree through Edgecombe Community College. This requires the completion of at least 30 semester hours credit of approved college transfer courses including English and mathematics. This pathway is designed for students enrolled in traditional or charter schools.
  2. Career and Technical Education Pathways (CTE) - Earn tuition-free college credits at Edgecombe Community College toward an entry-level job, diploma, or certificate in a technical field. These courses are aligned with a high school career cluster. This pathway is designed for students enrolled in traditional or charter schools.
  3. Cooperative Innovative High Schools (CIHSP) - Students can earn tuition-free college credits as a high school freshman by attending Edgecombe Early College. Students are given opportunities to complete an associate degree or earn up to two years of college credit within five years. Students must apply in February of their 8th grade year. This pathway is designed for students enrolled in Edgecombe Early College High School only. 

See admissions  section for further details and requirements for each pathway.

Edgecombe Early College High School

Edgecombe Early College High School (EECHS) is an innovative, collaborative program between ECC and Edgecombe County Public Schools. Housed on ECC’s Tarboro campus, the program enables students to earn a high school diploma and a community college associate degree or two years of college credit in five years. EECHS serves students in grades 9-13 and is designed for students who desire a more rigorous curriculum or for those who simply do not fit in at a traditional high school. Students interested in EECHS must undergo an application and interview process. For more information, interested individuals should call  Early College Liaison/High School Coordinator at 252-823-5166 ext. 205  EECHS Principal, at (252) 823-5166 ext. 297.

Equal Opportunity Policy

Edgecombe Community College is an equal opportunity institution. The college is fully committed to the principles and practices of equal employment and educational opportunity for all people. The college declares that it does not practice or condone discrimination in any form against applicants, students, or employees on the grounds of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, handicap, or political affiliation.

Religious Observance Policy

Edgecombe Community College (ECC) shall authorize a minimum of two (2) excused absences each academic year (or one per semester) for religious observances required by the faith of a student. ECC requires that the student provide written notice of the request for an excused absence a minimum of one week prior to the religious observance absence to all appropriate instructors. The student shall work with his/her instructors and be given the opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed due to an excused absence for religious observance.


Administrative offices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday. The Student Services Department is open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday; 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday; and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday. During the fall and spring semesters, the college is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday. During the summer semester, the college is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and is closed on Fridays.

Catalog Information

This catalog is intended for informational purposes only. It supersedes all previous catalogs. Changes in policy, fees, and other charges, course structure and content, graduation requirements, and other such matters may occur after the publication of the catalog.

Efforts will be made to keep changes to a minimum, but the information contained in the catalog is not binding and is subject to change without notice. A current addendum to the catalog containing any revisions since last printing may be obtained in the Student Services Department on either campus or may be viewed online at the college website.