Feb 18, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog 



Tuition and Fees

Students who enroll in curriculum classes are subject to tuition and fees which are due and payable at the time of registration. Student tuition and fees included in this catalog are determined each year by the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges and the General Assembly. Rates and fees are subject to change at the beginning of each new fiscal year.

Curriculum Tuition

Residency Status for Tuition

North Carolina residents are eligible for a lower tuition rate than non-residents. The controlling North Carolina statute (G.S. 116-143.1) states that “to qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, a person must have established legal residence (domicile) in North Carolina for at least twelve (12) months immediately prior to his or her classification as a resident for tuition purposes. Every applicant for admission shall be required to make a statement as to his or her length of residence in the State.”

Regulations concerning classifying students by residence for tuition purposes are set forth in detail in A Manual to Assist the Public of Higher Educational Institutions of North Carolina in the Matter of Student Residence Classification for Tuition Purposes. The manual is available on request in the office of the Vice President of Student Services.

All new students applying for admission must respond on their respective applications to certain questions which are related to residence classification. The Dean of Enrollment Management is responsible for evaluating these responses and initially classifying students accordingly. For questions concerning residence status and appeals of initial residence classifications, students are advised to consult the Vice President of Student Services.

Military personnel stationed and living in North Carolina and their dependents are eligible for in-state tuition after proper documentation is received.

In-State Tuition

Students who are classified as in-state residents must have established a legal residence in North Carolina for 12 consecutive months before the date of enrollment. Tuition is $76.00 per credit hour for in-state students. The maximum tuition for in-state students for a semester is $1216.00.

Out-of-State Tuition

Tuition is $268.00 per credit hour for out-of-state students. The maximum tuition for out-of-state students for a semester is $4288.00.

Curriculum Fees

Student Activity

The Student Activity fee is $1.00 per semester hour of credit. The maximum Student Activity fee per semester is $16.00 for up to 16 or more credit hours for in-state and out-of state students.

Computer Use and Technology

The Computer Use and Technology fee is $1.00 per semester hour of credit. The maximum Computer Use and Technology fee per semester is $12.00 for up to 12 or more credit hours for in-state and out-of state students.

Campus Access, Parking, and Security

The Campus Access, Parking, and Security fee is $2.00 per semester hour of credit. The maximum Campus Access, Parking, and Security fee per semester is $12.00 for up to 12 or more credit hours for in-state and out-of state students.

Books and Supplies

The cost of books and supplies varies according to the course of study.

Student Success Fee

The Student Success fee is $5.00 per semester. This fee is used for graduation and student-related costs such as diplomas, diploma covers, student cap and gown, ceremony costs, pre- and post-ceremony receptions, rehearsal, and other related costs. 

Student Accident Insurance

ECC assumes no responsibility for student injuries or losses. An opportunity is provided at the time of registration for all students to obtain accident insurance. Though not required, the college strongly recommends that students who enroll in occupational programs or who plan to take physical education activity courses purchase accident insurance. This coverage is available ast a cost of $6.00 per year.

Allied Health Fee

The Allied Health fee is $30.00 per semester.

Malpractice Insurance

All students enrolling in programs where they will work with the public are required to have malpractice insurance. These programs include, but are not limited to, Barbering, Cosmetology, Esthetics, and all health science programs containing clinical courses. Such insurance may be purchased through the college’s Business Office. Malpractice Insurance is $8.50 per semester.

Vaccines, Checks, and Screens

All persons who enroll in any ECC progam in which they could be exposed to blood borne pathogens are recommended to receive the Hepatitis B vaccination series at their own expense prior to participating in clinical or similar training. Health science students will also be required to have a criminal background check and drug screen prior to clinical rotations.

All costs associated with criminal background checks and drug screens are the responsibility of the student. ECC recognizes and is fully supportive of the clinical agencies that choose to require criminal background checks and/or drug screens on students.

ECC has contracted with Castle Branch, Inc. to perform background checks and drug screens at a reduced rate for students. Results of the tests are available to the student and to the Human Resources Director of the clinical agency at Certifiedbackground.com. Once students receive a letter of acceptance to a health science program, they should follow the instructions provided to obtain required checks and screens. Most clinical agencies will not accept hand-delivered background check and drug screening results.

Tuition Refunds

Students who enroll in curriculum classes are subject to tuition and fees which are due and payable at the time of registration. Student tuition and fees included in this handbook is determined each year by the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges and the General Assembly. Fees are subject to change due to any legislative increases that may occur. Edgecombe Community College is operating under the current refund policy in effect at the time of this publication.

A refund is made under the following circumstances:

  1. A 100 percent refund of tuition and fees is made if the student officially withdraws prior to the first day of class(es) of the academic semester as noted in the college calendar. Also, a student is eligible for a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees if the class in which the student is officially registered is canceled due to insufficient enrollment.
  2. A 75 percent refund of tuition shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class(es) prior to or on the official 10 percent point of the semester.
  3. For classes beginning at times other than the first week (eight calendar days) of the semester, a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees is made if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to the first class meeting. A 75 percent refund of tuition is made if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to or on the 10 percent point of the class.
  4. A full refund of tuition and fees is granted to military reserve and National Guard personnel called to active duty or active duty personnel who have received temporary or permanent reassignments as a result of military operations then taking place outside the state of North Carolina, thus making it impossible for them to complete their course requirements. The college will use distance learning technologies and other educational methodologies to help these students, under the guidance of faculty and administrative staff, complete their course requirements.
  5. To comply with applicable federal regulations regarding refunds, federal regulations supersede the state refund regulations stated in this rule.