Feb 11, 2025
Course Notation & Descriptions
Course Notations
Curriculum courses are designated by a three-letter prefix denoting the subject area, such as BIO (Biology), EDU (Education), or WLD (Welding). A three-digit course number follows the prefix. A one or two-letter identifier may also be included as a suffix to signify a lab or a split class, respectively. Course numbers that begin with zero denote supplemental courses.
A series of numbers following the title of the class specifies contact hours and credit hours. Contact hours consist of a combination of lecture, lab, clinical, and work experience. Credit hours are those awarded for successful completion of the course. Some course descriptions list requisites. A student must take a prerequisite course before another class. A student must take a corequisite course either before or at the same time as another course.
Some classes have an italicized statement following the course description indicating that the course is designed to meet the requirements for transfer to a four-year institution under an articulation agreement.
Course Descriptions