Feb 18, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 

Costs for Attendance & Financial Aid

Costs for Attendance

Tuition and Fees

Students who enroll in curriculum classes are subject to tuition and fees due and payable at registration. Student tuition and fees included in this catalog are determined each year by the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges and the General Assembly. Rates and fees are subject to change.

Curriculum Tuition

Residency Status for Tuition

North Carolina residents are eligible for a lower tuition rate than non-residents. The controlling North Carolina statute (G.S. 116-143.1) states that “to qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, a person must have established legal residence (domicile) in North Carolina for at least twelve (12) months immediately before their classification as a resident for tuition purposes. Every applicant for admission shall be required to make a statement as to their length of residence in the State.” Students should complete the NC Residency Determination Process by visiting <https://ncresidency.cfnc.org> on the web to determine their residency status for tuition.

Military personnel stationed in North Carolina and their dependents are eligible for in-state tuition after receiving proper documentation.

In-State Tuition

Students classified as in-state residents must have established a legal residence in North Carolina for 12 consecutive months before the date of enrollment. Tuition is $76.00 per credit hour for in-state students. The maximum tuition for in-state students for a semester is $1,216.00.

Out-of-State Tuition

Tuition is $268.00 per credit hour for out-of-state students. The maximum tuition for out-of-state students for a semester is $4,288.00.

Curriculum Fees

Student Activity

The Student Activity Fee is $3.00 per semester hour of credit. The maximum Student Activity fee per semester is $35.00 for in-state and out-of-state students.

Computer Use and Technology

The Computer Use and Technology Fee is $2.00 per semester hour of credit. The maximum Computer Use and Technology fee per semester is $48.00 for in-state and out-of-state students.

Campus Access, Parking, and Security

The Campus Access, Parking, and Security fees are $2.00 per semester hour of credit. The is no maximum per semester.

Books and Supplies

The cost of books and supplies varies according to the course of study.

Student Success Fee

The Student Success fee is $5.00 per semester. This fee is used for graduation and student-related costs such as diplomas, diploma covers, student cap and gown, ceremony costs, pre-and post-ceremony receptions, rehearsal, and other related costs. 

Student Accident Insurance

ECC assumes no responsibility for student injuries or losses. An opportunity is provided at the time of registration for all students to obtain accident insurance. Though not required, the college strongly recommends that students enroll in occupational programs or take physical education activity courses to purchase accident insurance. This coverage is available at the cost of $6.00 per year.

Allied Health Fee

The Allied Health fee is $30.00 per semester for students enrolled in health science courses.

Malpractice Insurance

All students enrolling in programs where they will work with the public are required to have malpractice insurance. These programs include but are not limited to, Barbering, Cosmetology, Esthetics, and all health science programs containing clinical courses. Malpractice Insurance is $8.50 per semester. The malpractice insurance fee is attached to specific courses requiring malpractice insurance.

Vaccines, Checks, and Screens

All persons who enroll in any ECC program to be exposed to bloodborne pathogens are recommended to receive the Hepatitis B vaccination series at their own expense before participating in clinical or similar training. Health science students will also be required to have a criminal background check and drug screen before clinical rotations.

All costs associated with criminal background checks and drug screens are the responsibility of the student. ECC recognizes and fully supports the clinical agencies that choose to require criminal background checks and drug screens on students.

Once students receive a letter of acceptance to a health science program, they should follow the instructions provided to obtain the required checks and screens. Most clinical agencies will not accept hand-delivered background checks and drug screening results.

Tuition Refunds

Unless otherwise required by law, Edgecombe Community College will not issue a tuition refund except under the following circumstances:

  1. A 100 percent refund of tuition and fees is made if the student officially withdraws or is officially withdrawn by the college before the first day of the academic period, as noted in the college calendar. Also, a student is eligible for a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees if the student’s class is officially registered and is canceled due to insufficient enrollment.
  2. A 75 percent refund of tuition shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class(es) before or on the official 10 percent point of the academic period.
  3. For classes beginning at times other than the first week of the semester, a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees is made if the student officially withdraws before the first day of the course section. A 75 percent refund of tuition is made if the student officially withdraws from the class before or at the 10 percent point of the course section.
  4. A full refund of tuition and fees is granted to military reserve, and National Guard personnel called to active duty or active-duty personnel who have received temporary or permanent reassignments as a result of military operations taking place outside the state of North Carolina, thus making it impossible for them to complete their course requirements. The college will use distance learning technologies and other educational methodologies to help these students complete their course requirements under the guidance of faculty and administrative staff.
  5. To comply with applicable federal regulations regarding refunds, federal regulations supersede the state refund regulations stated in this rule.

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Financial Aid

The philosophy at ECC is that any individual who wishes to attend the institution should not be deprived of this privilege because of a lack of financial resources. Although the primary responsibility for financing an education remains with students and their families, the college participates in programs designed to supplement the family contribution with documented student financial needs. Students who have completed the financial aid application procedure are considered for all types of financial aid without regard to their sex, race, color, disability, or national origin. In all financial aid awards, students have the right to accept or decline any aid offered.

Student Eligibility and Responsibilities

To receive Federal Title IV assistance and state assistance, a student must:

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Have a valid high school diploma or a High School Equivalency certificate on file with the college. (See NOTE below.)
  • Be enrolled in an eligible program of study at ECC.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
  • Have a valid Social Security Number (except for students from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau).
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Certify that they do not default on a federal student loan and do not owe money on any federal aid.
  • Not have been convicted for possessing or selling illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid.
  • If required, register with Selective Service (males must register between 18 and 25).
  • Financial aid is determined each academic year, so students must fill out a new FAFSA every year.

NOTE: Students with a high school diploma determined to be invalid are not eligible for financial aid. A diploma will be deemed invalid if there is a reason to believe that limited coursework was required to complete the diploma or that a fee was charged by the agency that issued the diploma. Students with an invalid diploma may establish eligibility for financial aid as outlined below. “Enrolled” as used below is defined as officially registered and attending classes.

How to Apply

To apply for financial aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.gov.The FAFSA should be completed on or after October 1 for the upcoming academic year. If you prefer not to complete the application online, you may complete the FAFSA in PDF format and mail it to the processing center, or request a paper FAFSA by calling the Central Processing Center at 1-800-433-3243. If you are hearing impaired, you may contact the TTY line at 1-800-730-8913.

Students can get assistance filling out the FAFSA by visiting the Office of Financial Aid and the Academic Success Centers on Tarboro (McIntyre Building) and Rocky Mount (Barnes Building) campuses. 

Deadlines for Submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Students should submit their FAFSA early. For priority consideration, apply by March 15th of each year. Awards offered to students meeting the priority deadline and determined eligible may receive the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant in addition to the federal Pell Grant.

Types of Financial Aid

Federal Pell Grant (FPELL) Program

Federal Pell Grants (FPELL) are awards that assist undergraduates in paying for their education after completing high school or earning a GED. The Federal Pell Grant program is the largest federal student aid program. These grants provide a foundation for many students to add other federal grants and non-federal assistance. Unlike loans, grants do not have to be paid back unless students do not complete the term of enrollment.

The amount of students’ Federal Pell Grant award is calculated according to a federal formula that considers the family’s financial circumstances, the student’s cost of education, and the number of funds available for the program.

Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (Pell LEU) Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, a student may only receive Pell Grants for a total of 12 equivalent full-time semesters, or until the student receives a bachelor’s degree - whichever comes first. Therefore, students are advised to monitor their use of Pell Grant funding if they plan to pursue a four-year degree.

Year-Round Pell Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, an eligible student may now receive a full Federal Pell Grant for summer 2018 even if they received a full Federal Pell Grant during the fall and spring semesters. Year-round, Pell allows students to receive up to 150 percent of a regular grant award over the course of the academic year so that they can continue taking classes in the summer and finish their degrees faster than they would otherwise.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Program

Students who receive the Federal Pell Grant may also be eligible for the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program. This federal grant program does not require repayment unless students do not complete the terms and conditions of the award. The grant amount is based on student financial needs, and the minimum award is $100 per semester. FSEOG is for undergraduates with exceptional financial needs and students with the lowest Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Limited assistance is available from the program to eligible students. No separate application is required.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program provides jobs for eligible students to earn money to help pay college expenses while attending classes at least part-time. Students participating in the program are employed in the library, laboratories, administrative and faculty offices, and various college departments. The federal government provides funds for these student jobs through its college work-study program. On average, students work approximately 10 to 15 hours per week. The current pay rate is $11.00 per hour. Students’ primary focus should be their academic achievement; therefore, they should carefully consider whether their academic responsibilities permit them to assume part-time work obligations. If students accept campus employment, they are expected to fulfill the requirements of the job. Students are required to apply for employment through the Financial Aid Office.

Federal Direct Loan (FDL) Program

ECC participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (FDL) program to provide student and parent borrowers with funding for federal education loans received directly from the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Direct Loans are low-interest loans to help eligible students cover the costs of higher education at ECC. Also referred to as Direct Stafford Loans, the funds will originate directly from the federal government instead of private lenders. Direct Stafford Loans are categorized in one of two ways:

Direct Subsidized Loans are based on financial need. Such loans are NOT charged interest while enrolled at least half-time or during grace periods and deferment periods.

Students may borrow a Subsidized loan for up to $3,500 for their first year and up to $4,500 for their second-year status.

For “first-time borrowers” applying on or after July 1, 2013, the Department of Education has implemented a Direct Subsidized Loan Limit (SULA) or (“the 150% limit”). This provision limits first-time borrowers’ eligibility for Direct Subsidized Loans to a period not to exceed 150 percent of the length of the borrower’s education program. Student borrowers who are subject to the SULA provision may only borrow Direct Unsubsidized Loans.

In addition to the Direct Subsidized, students may borrow a Direct Unsubsidized Loan up to $2000 as a Dependent student or $6000 as an Independent student. These loans are not based on financial needs. ECC will determine the amount a student can borrow based on the student’s cost of attendance and other financial aid received. Interest is charged while enrolled and during grace, deferment, and forbearance periods - or the borrower can allow it to accrue and be capitalized (added to the principal amount of the loan).

North Carolina Community College Grant (NCCCG) Program

For students to be eligible for need-based aid under the North Carolina Community College Grant (NCCCG) program, they must meet the following criteria: (1) be admitted to an eligible program of study, (2) have applied for federal aid, (3) meet academic requirements to maintain federal aid eligibility, and (4) meet other criteria as may be required by the program. This award may be given in addition to the Federal Pell Grant if students are eligible. Students must be enrolled for at least 6 hours to be eligible.

North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship (NCELS)

For students to be eligible for need-based aid under North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship (NCELS) program, they must meet the following criteria: (1) be admitted to an eligible program of study, (2) have applied for federal aid, (3) meet academic requirements to maintain federal aid eligibility, (4) meet other criteria as required by the program (5) be an NC resident and be enrolled at least 6 credit hours. This award may be given in addition to the Federal Pell Grant if students are eligible.

North Carolina Nurse Scholarship Program (NESLP)

The North Carolina General Assembly created the North Carolina Nurse Scholarship Program (NESLP) to combine existing financial aid resources to encourage enrollment and retention of qualified nurse education students. The North Carolina General Assembly allocates funds for NESLP among colleges and universities which offer nurse education programs. NESLP awards are available for licensed practical nurse (LPN) and registered nurse (RN) education. Applicants must complete the FAFSA as soon after January 1 as possible to be considered for NESLP.

North Carolina Targeted Assistance Program (NCTAP)

The North Carolina Targeted Assistance Program (NCTAP) provides funding for students enrolled in or intending to enroll in high demand/low enrollment programs. Students are required to file the FAFSA. Aid is given to students who demonstrate need and meet eligibility requirements.


ECC Foundation Scholarships

The college offers numerous private scholarships each year, totaling more than $100,000 awarded annually. Scholars’ requirements vary; however, the primary criteria include financial need, scholastic ability, specified program of study, residency status, and participation in community activities. To apply for scholarships, students must obtain application forms from the college’s Financial Aid Office. Application forms indicating the scholarships for students must be returned to that office by the announced deadline. Incomplete applications are not considered. Most scholarships are awarded during the fall months, and the first award payments are made during the fall semester. Students should see the Financial Aid Office for deadlines. Listed below are the scholarships available to eligible applicants as of the publication of this catalog.

EDGE Scholarship

Edgecombe Community College has joined the national call to increase the number of college-educated adults. In Fall 2016, the College offered the EDGE Scholarship Program to qualified students for a fully-funded education for up to two years. The EDGE Scholarship Program provides a financial aid package covering tuition, books, and fees based on in-state tuition. 

Eagle Mascot Scholarship

The Eagle Mascot Scholarship was established in 2021 and will be awarded each academic year. The Eagle Mascot was designed to capture the fun, warm, and friendly feel of the Edgecombe community as well as to bring excitement to campus events. The mascot performer is expected to share these same traits. The Eagle Mascot performer is responsible for attending on-campus and community events representing the college.

The Eagle Mascot will report to the Dean of Students or designee. The ideal student must be attending part-time (taking a minimum of 6 credit hours) and must meet a GPA requirement of 2.8 or higher. The ideal student also must possess a willingness to attend campus and community events, including evening and weekend events, for the purpose of representing the college as our mascot.

The Edgecombe Pledge

In an effort to help students and their families recover from the pandemic, Edgecombe Community College has created a new scholarship program called The Edgecombe Pledge. Beginning in the Fall 2021 semester and extending through the Spring 2023 semester, this unique initiative will fund in-state tuition and fees for all qualifying students.

This program will pay for tuition and fees after all other sources of funding are exhausted. Funds to be used first are available from Federal Pell Grants, the North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant, additional federal and state programs, Golden LEAF Foundation, State Employees Credit Union, and other private sources for scholarships, such as those offered by the Edgecombe Community College Foundation.

The College is deeply grateful for federal and state dollars that have been made available to support this effort. Our sincere hope is that students and their families, bolstered by this additional assistance, will be better prepared to move forward out of the pandemic and emerge stronger for the future.

Other Sources of Assistance

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), funded by the Turning Point Workforce Development Board, aims to address adults and dislocated workers’ employment and training needs. Our joint goal is to assist individuals in entering into high-demand occupations. Workforce Specialists are located at the NCWorks Career Center in Edgecombe/Nash counties. 

Veterans’ Educational Assistance

  1. Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 35 of Title 38) entitles dependents of a veteran who died of a service-connected disability or who has a total disability arising from a service-connected disability to receive benefits from the Veterans Administration.
  2. Under Chapter 32, Title 38, the Post-Vietnam Era Veterans’ Act provides educational assistance for veterans who saved money to be matched. The program is for veterans who entered the military service on or after January 1, 1977.
  3. The Selected Reserve Educational Program, Chapter 1606, provides educational assistance for service in the Selected Reserve.
  4. Chapter 30, also known as the Montgomery G.I. Bill ®, covers those who entered active duty after June 30, 1985. GED preparation is not covered under Chapter 30.

Students initiate proceedings by contacting their local Veterans’ Affairs office. The Student Services Department is the clearinghouse on campus for veterans’ affairs.

NC Veterans’ Scholarship

The N.C. Department of Military & Veterans Affairs offers scholarship assistance to North Carolina children of deceased or disabled veterans or certain veterans listed in a POW/MIA status. Eligible students should write to the N.C. Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Raleigh, N.C., for information or contact the Veteran’s Affairs counselor for more details.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Many states offer educational assistance to students who have a significant disability. North Carolina students should contact the Vocational Rehabilitation Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; Raleigh, N.C. Students from other states should contact their local Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.

ECC Emergency Loan Program

This program provides short-term loans to students who need assistance with the cost of tuition/fees. Students must repay loans before the end of the term in which they were received. Students are required to complete the FAFSA.

Notification of Award Decisions

Students are notified of financial aid award decisions for the academic year once the financial aid file is complete, and the award has been processed. All notifications are emailed and available on Self Service unless the student has “opted in” to receive paper notifications. To ensure prompt processing of the financial aid application, students must complete the FAFSA early and turn in all required paperwork to the ECC Financial Aid Office.


Students who have received financial aid award letters and have funds remaining after tuition and fees, books and supplies, and other charges have been deducted receive a refund.

As a part of ECC’s effort to assist students with their educational costs, the college typically disburses excess funds in one or two payments during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Recipients can find payment schedules and additional information on ECC’s Financial Aid webpage.

ECC partners with Heartland ECSI to disburse financial aid refunds. ECSI will email students at their my.edgecombe.edu email address with a user ID and temporary password. Students have the option to select a disbursement method via check or direct deposit. To verify your address, please call (252) 823-5166 or email admissions@edgecombe.edu.

Any questions regarding disbursement payment should be directed to ECSI (844) 760-6052 or by visiting their website at www.heartlandecsi.com.

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Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy Statement

Federal and state regulations require that students receiving financial aid maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). ECC applies these standards to all federal and state financial aid funds to maintain a consistent procedure for all students receiving assistance.

To be eligible and maintain financial aid, students must meet the minimum guidelines:

  1. Qualitative Standard - Grade Point Average (GPA). A GPA of 2.0 or better is required; grades received in remedial courses are included in the cumulative GPA calculation.
  2. Quantitative Standard - Pace (completion rate) a minimum of 67% of attempted credits. Students must complete a minimum of 67% of the hours they attempt at ECC. Grades of F, I, U, W, WF, AU, NS, IP, and R do not count toward the minimum credit completion requirement. Students who fail or withdraw from a class may repeat and receive financial aid to make SAP. Students who pass a course (B, C, D) and wish to retake it may do so one time and receive financial aid to help pay for the class. If students take a previously “passed” class for the third time, they will be denied financial aid for that specific class. Remedial courses are counted in the pace of progression at ECC. It is important to minimize the number of times a student repeats a course so as not to be suspended for falling below a 67% pace of progression.
  3. Maximum Timeframe - 150% Rule. Must complete program of study in a timeframe not to exceed 150 percent of the program’s published length, excluding the first 30 attempted credit hours of developmental education. This will be measured in credit hours (e.g., if the academic program length requires 60 credit hours, the maximum timeframe cannot exceed 90 credit hours attempted.)

Warning Status and Terminated Status

To determine a student’s academic progress status and eligibility for financial aid, Financial Aid will evaluate academic records at the end of each term. Following the first term of failure to maintain cumulative satisfactory academic progress, a student will be granted one term to regain satisfactory academic progress. This term is known as the “Warning” term. During the Warning term, the student may continue to receive financial aid provided they are otherwise eligible.

If a student can regain satisfactory academic progress with the completed courses during the Warning term, the Warning status is lifted. If a student has not regained satisfactory academic progress, they are placed in “TERMINATED” status and are no longer eligible for financial aid at ECC until their cumulative progress is again deemed satisfactory. A student may only regain satisfactory academic progress by earning or transferring enough credit hours and acceptable grades to bring up the cumulative average. Paying for a semester or sitting out does NOT permit a student to regain satisfactory academic progress.

If a student becomes ineligible for financial aid due to a failure to meet the minimum guidelines for satisfactory academic progress or because they have reached the limits of the maximum time frame allowed to earn a degree, they may appeal their status to the Financial Aid Office. Appeals will be considered for various circumstances.

Examples of circumstances to be considered outside a student’s control:

  1. Extended student/family illness or injury
  2. Death of a relative

Examples of circumstances to be considered within a student’s control:

  1. Return to school after an extended leave
  2. Change of a degree program

Appeal Process

All appeals must be made in writing to document the unusual circumstance and explain and document that these situations are resolved. In the circumstances within a student’s control, the student must document what has changed in their situation that will enable them to meet SAP requirements. A student may obtain an Appeal Form from the Financial Aid and Student Success offices or print a copy from the ECC Financial Aid website. Submit the appeal and non-returnable documentation to a financial aid advisor in the Financial Aid Office by the published deadline. Typically, the deadlines are the end of the add/drop period of the semester for which a student is trying to establish eligibility.

A student appealing after this timeframe should be prepared to pay for the semester’s expenses. The SAP Appeals Committee will review the appeal, and the College will send an approval or denial notice to the student’s ECC my.edgecombe.edu email account.

Approved Appeals

If a student’s appeal is approved, they will be placed on “Probation” and notified of how many credit hours they would need to complete to regain satisfactory academic progress or how many terms they are allotted to complete graduation requirements in the case of a maximum timeframe appeal. To complete these credit hours, a student must earn a minimum 2.0 GPA each term and earn passing credits for 75% of the attempted classes each term until satisfactory academic progress is regained or the student graduates. If a student fails to meet these requirements, their financial aid will be terminated.

The College may consider a second appeal, but the student will not be allowed to submit it for the same issue that led to the first appeal, such as the same medical condition. A student must have very unusual circumstances to warrant a second appeal. As a result, very few second appeals are approved.

Denied Appeals

If a student’s appeal is denied or the student does not meet the conditions of an approved appeal, they will be asked to attend at their own expense and earn the deficiency either in the hours, GPA, or both (a student cannot make up a deficiency if the appeal was due to exceeding the maximum timeframe to earn a degree). If a student did not maintain SAP due to a deficiency in credit hours, they might take the credit hours at another institution as long as ECC accepts the transfer hours. After completing this semester (or semesters), the student must submit an appeal form to the Financial Aid Office to reevaluate their progress.  

NOTE: All notices regarding academic progress for financial aid purposes will be sent to students’ my.edgecombe.edu email accounts. Students are responsible for closely monitoring this mailbox.

Satisfactory Progress Policy for Veterans

The Veterans Administration regulations require that veterans maintain satisfactory progress to continue receiving their educational benefits. The following is a detailed description of the college’s policy concerning satisfactory progress for veterans.

  1. All students are required to have a minimum of two-point-zero (2.0) averages for graduation.
  2. When veterans fail to maintain a two-point-zero (2.0) grade point average (GPA), they are placed on academic probation for the following semester of enrollment.
  3. At the end of a two-semester probationary period, veterans who do not have a two-point-zero (2.0) cumulative grade point average (CGPA), counting all subjects undertaken from the original enrollment or withdrawn during their probationary period, have their benefits terminated for unsatisfactory progress. Veterans who have their benefits terminated for unsatisfactory progress must raise their average to the minimum required for graduation before being recertified for educational benefits.

SAP Website

The Office of Student Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy on the Financial Aid Homepage is typically the most up-to-date policy information available. Student Services will print out SAP policy, procedures, and appeal forms for students upon request.

Second Degrees, Diplomas, or Certificates

A student enrolled in a second (not concurrent) academic program is limited to receiving financial aid for the specific courses required to complete the second academic program as determined by an ECC Academic Advisor and documented by an official ECC Advisement Plan. Students must submit official transcripts from ALL previously attended postsecondary institutions (not high schools) to the Office of Admission.

A student seeking a second academic credential may be placed on “Restricted Hours.” Students who have already earned a Bachelor’s degree may only receive aid for classes that are not repeats of general education courses. A student will be eligible for loans (depending on remaining eligibility) but not qualify for Federal or State grants.

Once students have been approved and receive financial assistance related to completing the second degree, they may not change degree plans to receive additional financial assistance. Students who do not follow the second-degree plan will become ineligible for continued assistance unless mitigating circumstances. Students are allowed to complete two academic programs and receive federal student assistance.

Treatment of Remedial (Transitional) Courses

As previously referenced, remedial or transitional credit hours (classes numbered below 100) are counted towards a student’s 67% pace of progression. The courses also count relative to the 150% rule.

Retaking Coursework

The regulatory definition for full-time enrollment status (for undergraduates) has been revised to allow students to retake any previously passed course one time only. For this purpose, a pass means any grade higher than an “F.” This retaken class may be counted towards a student’s enrollment status. The student may be awarded federal student aid for the enrollment status based on the inclusion of the class. Financial Aid may pay a student more than twice for repeatedly failing the same course (the SAP policy still applies to such cases); however, if a student passed a class once, he can be paid again for retaking the class once. Financial Aid may not pay the student for retaking the class a third time regardless of the grade achieved.

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