Feb 11, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 

Student Life and Development

Student Activities

ECC recognizes the importance of student activities for the retention of students. The college provides programs developed in response to student requests and needs. A large portion of responsibility for campus affairs lies with the Student Government Association. The students plan and present many co-curricular campus activities. Activities vary from semester to semester, depending upon student choice. More information about student activities is available in the Student Services Department.

Alpha Delta Nu

The objective of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society is to recognize the academic excellence of students in the study of Associate Degree Nursing. The ECC chapter of the Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society encourages the pursuit of advanced degrees in the profession of nursing as well as continuing education as a lifelong professional responsibility. Additionally, the ADN Nursing Honor Society participates in the recruitment of qualified individuals into the profession of nursing.

Ambassador Program

ECC Student Ambassadors is an honorary group of students who represent the college at special events on campus and in the community. Students from diverse areas of the college who have a variety of career goals and experiences are selected. These students possess leadership potential, communication skills, and high academic standards. Each ambassador serves for one year with the option to renew for the second year with the selection committee’s endorsement. For their service to the College, Ambassadors receive free tuition and fees for one semester, a professional blazer and polo shirt for wear at Ambassador functions, and an Edgecombe Community College Ambassador name badge. The Ambassadors participate in a leadership program throughout the year and discuss public speaking, time management, etiquette, resume writing, and interview skills. The Student Ambassadors serve as tour guides and hosts/hostesses at official Edgecombe Community College and Foundation events and activities, assist with recruiting potential students, speak to groups on behalf of the College, and assist during New Student Orientation, registration, and graduation.

Ambassadors are expected to perform these services during both day and evening hours and on both campuses. A counselor in the Student Services Department acts as an advisor to the program.

To become an ECC Student Ambassador, a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must have and maintain a 3.25-grade point average.
  2. Must have completed 15 hours of coursework before the application deadline.
  3. Must complete an Ambassador application and meet the deadline for applying.
  4. Must submit two completed Faculty Nominations.
  5. Must be interviewed and selected by a selection panel.
  6. Must sign a contract accepting the responsibilities of being an ECC Student Ambassador.
  7. Must participate in an orientation and monthly meetings.

Barbering Club

The Barbering Club is an organization is for students in the Barbering program. The organization promotes professionalism, leadership skills, and community service, and keeps students abreast of emerging trends in the barbering profession.

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BUTTERFLIE (Building Unity through Teamwork, Empowerment, Respect, Friendship, and Leadership to Inspire Excellence), a program designed to mentor minority females, was implemented in the fall of 2006. The program focuses on issues such as motivating and assisting the minority females enrolled at the college. It also helps those involved develop skills in time management and leadership. This program focuses on touching the lives of females who are aspiring to succeed and excel. Another program priority is to inspire women and demonstrate support for the students enrolled in the college.

Criminal Justice Club

The Criminal Justice Club works to recognize and promote scholarship among students engaged in preparation for professions in the criminal justice system and to provide a forum for keeping abreast of new developments in criminal justice.

Edgecombe Radiography Organization (ERO)

Edgecombe Radiography Student Organization is an educational organization for full-time program radiography students. The objectives of ERO are to promote professional growth and leadership characteristics by participating in community projects and professional activities and encouraging membership before graduation. Professional certification requires continuing education, and membership and attendance at professional meetings is the best practice for obtaining continuing education credits. It also allows for a peer support group and the opportunity to experience local, state, and national professional activities and seminars.

ERO raises funds to support professional and graduate activities, encouraging teamwork and enhancing leadership skills.

Health Information Technology (HIT) Society for Students & Alumni

The purpose of the Health Information Technology (HIT) Society for Students & Alumni is to enhance and support the lifelong learning process of students and professionals in the Health Information Management Association (HIMA) with a vision of quality and customer satisfaction.

The following goals guide Society work:

  1. To establish a mentoring program to share educational and professional life experiences between alumni and HIT students.
  2. To maintain an effective and timely communication exchange regarding the dynamic changes in the profession and the impact of those changes on the HIT educational program through various mediums. Those mediums include an online discussion forum, email, the HIT Society Newsletter, and HIT website development.
  3. To provide financial support through the HIT Society Educational/Scholarship Program, which assists dedicated students desiring to enter the Health Information field and supports leading-edge educational offerings.
  4. To establish a viable medium for collecting and maintaining measurable data concerning ECC HIT graduates through continued contact.
  5. To provide a local medium for coordinating education events through informal roundtable discussions and regular workshops/seminars based upon immediate identified needs.
  6. To provide an ongoing mechanism for “consumers” of the ECC HIT program to have direct input to improve the program’s effectiveness continuously.

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High Altitude Balloon (HAB) Team

The High Altitude Balloon (HAB) team focuses on developing and implementing weather balloon technologies that collect atmospheric data for research. Team members are Edgecombe Community College students who have interests in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs.  The HAB team, named critECCly Stable, competes in state and national competitions.

Human Services Organization

The ECC Organization for Human Services is an educational organization for students interested in human services issues. The objectives of this organization include creating a professional network for Human Services students and graduates; providing students with a peer support group; encouraging students to become active in human services before graduation by volunteering in the community and coordinating education programs; allowing students to offer informative presentations and workshops to ECC and the public; and enabling students to be a part of a statewide, regional, and national human services organization.

International Club

The purpose of the International Club is to promote global and cultural awareness within the ECC community and encourage students from other cultures and diverse backgrounds to share their experiences.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)

ECC’s chapter of Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) represents the collegiate division of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL). The largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world, FBLA-PBL is dedicated to inspiring and developing the next generation of leaders by preparing members for careers in business and business-related fields. FBLA-PBL inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.

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Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an international honor society whose purpose is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. The ECC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa provides the opportunity to develop leadership and service, exchange ideas and ideals, and stimulate academic excellence. To be a member of Phi Theta Kappa, students must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Enroll at ECC
  2. Complete 12 credit hours in an associate degree program
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher
  4. Adhere to the ECC student code of conduct

Once students meet these qualifications, they are invited to be members and participate in various service and scholarship activities. New members of Phi Theta Kappa are inducted into this honor society each year. Being a member of Phi Theta Kappa affords students numerous benefits and opportunities. Some of these benefits include the following:

  1. Golden Key Pin
  2. Membership Certificate
  3. Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Directory
  4. Phi Theta Kappa Seal on Diploma
  5. “Member of Phi Theta Kappa” on Transcript
  6. Golden Tassel for Graduation
  7. Scholarship Information and Opportunities
  8. Regional Conferences and Leadership Development Program
  9. International Conventions
  10. Honors Institutes (Opportunity to meet distinguished professionals)


SkillsECC promotes and fosters a common bond for students enrolled in vocational, trade, industrial, technical, and health occupations curricula. Participants are encouraged to express their leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocational, civic, recreational, and social activities.

Student Association of Medical Assisting

The Student Association of Medical Assisting was developed to provide a professional representation of the college. Medical assisting students can unite and actively promote the advocacy for quality patient-centered healthcare. This club meets once a month except during holidays or when the college is closed. The Student Association of Medical Assisting gives students an opportunity for leadership in their program of study.

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Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) aims to promote a personal sense of pride and responsibility to the college and accept their constitutional duty as American citizens.

The SGA is composed of a representative from each curriculum and an elected president and vice president. All students who pay the activity fee are eligible to attend SGA meetings. Participation is open to all students without regard to race, gender, age, creed, color, religion, national origin, or disability. The SGA acts as an intermediary between the student, college, faculty, and administration. Through the Association, each student has a voice in student affairs. The SGA is responsible for organizing, approving, and funding all SGA activities. The activity fee pays for student activities.

The Dean of Students appoints the advisor to the SGA; this advisor supervises all SGA activities and meetings. The duties of the SGA advisor are as follows:

  1. Oversee the governing of the SGA in an advisory capacity (nonvoting).
  2. Attend all SGA meetings and functions.
  3. Accompany the SGA members to all meetings and conferences.
  4. Serve as a liaison between the SGA and Business Office concerning the disbursement of funds.
  5. Provide training in the development of leadership skills for SGA members.

Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association is an educational organization for students in the Nursing Program. The purpose of this association is to unite the nursing student body in service to the school and community; to work toward public understanding, acceptance, and support of the nursing students of ECC; to foster the highest standards of professionalism among the nursing students, and to be a source of support and help to one another.

Surgical Technology Student Association

The membership of the Surgical Technology Student Association consists of students in the Surgical Technology program. The goals of the association include promoting and encouraging participation in healthcare-related community affairs and activities; representing the surgical technology student to consumers, institutions, and other organizations; facilitating the students’ responsibilities for contributing to Surgical Technology education; and providing an avenue to raise funds for projects and educational opportunities while enrolled in the program.

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