Dental Hygiene
Return to: Curriculum Programs: Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates
Offered through a Collaborative Program Agreement with Halifax Community College
The Dental Hygiene curriculum provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to access, plan, implement, and evaluate dental hygiene care for the individual and the community.
Students will learn to prepare the operatory, take patient histories, note abnormalities, plan care, teach oral hygiene, clean teeth, take x-rays, apply preventive agents, complete necessary chart entries, and perform other procedures related to dental hygiene care.
Graduates of this program may be eligible to take national and state/regional examinations for licensure which are required to practice dental hygiene. Employment opportunities include dental offices, clinics, schools, public health agencies, industry, and professional education.
Halifax Community College will accept two students from ECC each year who meet admission requirements for the Dental Hygiene program. Applications for these two slots must be submitted by ECC no later than March 1 of each year. For specific admission requirements, students should consult the Halifax Community College catalog or contact an ECC counselor.
Return to: Curriculum Programs: Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates