Feb 06, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 

Student Services

Student Services Department

Purpose Statement

The Student Services Department is available to assist students in accomplishing their educational goals and fostering their academic, personal, and social development through opportunities for involvement.


  1. To provide a comprehensive range of educational opportunities, quality training, and educational access to all adults in the college’s service area.
  2. To bring multicultural awareness to the community.
  3. To ensure quality throughout the college.

Guidance and Counseling Services

Guidance and counseling services are an integral part of the Student Services Department at Edgecombe Community College (ECC). Staff members of the department are individuals of varying backgrounds who are professionally trained and hold at least a master’s degree in the counseling area. Counselors are available on each campus to help students become more self-knowing, self-reliant, and directive by offering the following services:

  1. Appraising, organizing, and evaluating information such as transcripts, placement test scores, and interviews with students and instructors to determine proper placement and to assist students toward self-knowledge needed for decision making and planning.
  2. Providing professional counseling services to students in clarifying basic values, attitudes, interests, and abilities; assisting in all phases of decision making; assisting in formulating vocational educational plans and progress; and providing appropriate resources for more intensive and deep-seated personal problems.
  3. Providing information pertinent to the selection of courses, occupational prerequisites, transfer requirements, availability of resource agencies, and other areas of concern to students.
  4. Providing community services through vocational and educational counseling and other student personnel services to youth and adults in the community.
  5. Disseminating information by brochures, counselor visitations, conferences, or direct correspondence; encouraging school attendance; fostering understanding of requirements for admission and appropriate curricula; developing proper attitudes; and contributing to student decision making and planning.
  6. Providing information on loans, scholarships, grants, part-time jobs, and other resources for students who need financial assistance.

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Student Assistance Procedures

The Student Services Department endeavors to make its services available to every student from pre-admission through graduation. The pre-admission interview is designed to help students decide terms of what curriculum program or programs they are best suited to enter. The meeting involves an evaluation of the high school transcript, along with a discussion of the students’ needs, interests, and abilities.

Students may see a counselor on an individual basis to discuss personal, academic, vocational, educational, and financial needs. Student access to a counselor is determined by student-initiated or counselor-initiated appointment or by instructor or advisor referrals.

Specialized counseling for physically-disabled students is available in cooperation with Vocational Rehabilitation, the Department of Social Services, the Veterans’ Administration, and other agencies. The degree of disability and the educational potential of the students determine the extent of training and placement.

Academic counseling is available to students who have deficiencies in reading, writing, listening, computing, and study skills. Faculty members also are available for consultation.

Referral Services

The successful resolution of most student problems is possible, especially if recognized early enough for timely referral to an appropriate resource for assistance. The problem may involve a relationship, physical illness, mental or emotional illness, finances, marital or family discord, alcoholism, drug abuse, legal issues, or other concerns. When students’ academic performance or attendance is unsatisfactory, and the students are unable or unwilling to correct the situation, either alone or with standard advisory assistance, there may be some cause outside the realm of their academic studies which is the basis of their problem. This policy assures that if such personal issues are the cause of unsatisfactory academic performance, students receive careful consideration and an offer of assistance to help resolve such problems effectively and confidentially.

Substance Abuse

The college will refer students to local substance abuse treatment providers.

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Health Services and Standards

The college does not provide student health services on campus. Students should seek medical attention from an area healthcare facility or provider.

Students with communicable diseases may not be allowed to register for classes if health records indicate that their attendance would be detrimental to their health and safety, or to the health and safety of other persons with whom they may come in contact. After recovery, Students may register for classes after recovery.

Students who have significant health conditions or limitations may be required to submit a report or medical examination before their initial registration and are encouraged to inform their instructors at the beginning of each semester.

When deemed appropriate by the Vice President of Student Services, the college will notify faculty advisors, instructors, and counselors of students identified as having significant health conditions.

Some programs have technical standards that students must be able to meet for admission to the program. Technical standards are physical, mental, social, and psychological requirements needed for educational training. Those standards are required so that students not be a danger to themselves or others with whom they come in contact in the pursuit of their educational objectives.

The college seeks to assist students who have special health conditions or limitations in the attainment of their educational goals. The college provides these services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In the event of accident or illness, college personnel or a designee should notify the Student Services Department or the Business Office as soon as possible. College personnel will provide first aid per their capabilities. The college maintains first aid kits and automatic electronic defibrillators (AEDs) in the Student Services Department and the library on both campuses, the Cosmetology Building on the Rocky Mount campus, and the reception area in Buildings B, E, and H on the Tarboro campus.

The college will refer students who become ill, are injured, or develop health problems requiring professional attention, to the emergency room at the most convenient hospital or a local physician. In an emergency that requires immediate attention, students may be taken directly to the hospital by the rescue squad.

Environmental health and safety on the campus are the responsibility of the Vice President of Administrative Services.

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Disability Services

Policies & Procedures To Receive Accommodations for a Disability

ECC recognizes its responsibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to provide equal access to education for students with disabilities. Support services are available to the hearing impaired, visually impaired, orthopedically handicapped, learning disabled, and those experiencing other health impairments. It is the students’ responsibility to request reasonable accommodations and to provide written documentation promptly.

Student Rights

  1. Equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, and activities offered by the college
  2. Equal opportunity to work, learn and receive accommodations, academic adjustments, and auxiliary aids and services
  3. Confidentiality of information regarding their disability as applicable laws allow
  4. The information made available in accessible formats

Student Responsibilities

  1. Meeting of qualifications and maintenance of essential institutional standards for the programs, courses, services, and activities
  2. Self-identification of disability status in at least 30 days before the scheduled date for the program, service, or event so that the college has time to make appropriate arrangements
  3. Provision of disability documentation from a qualified professional that reflects students’ current disability status and the way their disability limits participation in courses, programs, services, and activities
  4. Following published procedures for obtaining academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services
  5. Payment for all testing and evaluations required for documentation, if necessary

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is the civil rights guarantee for persons with disabilities in the United States. It protects from discrimination against individuals with a disability. The ADA extends civil rights protection for people with disabilities to employment in the public and private sectors, transportation, public accommodations, services provided by state and local government, and telecommunication relay services. Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities are mandated, and modifications must be made as needed in policies, practices, and procedures that assure accessibility of examinations and courses. This mandate includes all aspects of academic and non-academic activities, including admissions and recruitment, admission to programs, academic adjustments, financial assistance, and counseling.

Statement of Self-Advocacy

The college promotes student self-advocacy. This philosophy promotes independence and develops the skills students need to function successfully in the world of work. The mission of ECC’s Disabilities Services is to adapt ECC’s general services to the individual and specialized needs of students with disabilities to provide equal access to all programs and facilities for “otherwise qualified” students with disabilities. The goal is to integrate students with disabilities into the college and to help them participate in and benefit from the programs and activities enjoyed by all students.

Students who need disability accommodations must initiate contact with the special needs counselor. Federal law does not permit the college to collect information about a person’s disability during the admissions process. Therefore, it is the students’ responsibility to identify themselves and request services. Students must provide specific documentation of disabilities. All documentation and information regarding students’ disabilities are kept confidential. The disability services counselor will coordinate discussions with instructors to determine any special needs in a specific setting. 

Process for Receiving Accommodations

Persons who wish to apply for accommodations for a disability should complete the following steps:

  1. See the Student Support Counselor in the Student Services Department.
  2. Sign a “Release of Information Statement.”
  3. Provide documentation as described below in “Documentation Guidelines.”

Once the steps above are completed, the college will release any relevant information to the faculty. The college provides accommodations for the specific needs of students based upon the documentation of the disability. The Student Support Counselor will guide the student through the process of gathering appropriate documentation.

Documentation Guidelines

Documentation has two primary purposes: to establish that individuals have a disability and to describe and document the functional impact of the disability for use in determining the need for and design of accommodations. Documentation is used to evaluate requests for reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids. The evaluation process includes the impact of the documentation on the goals and standards of the program, course, or activity.

Once the documentation has been reviewed to establish the disability, and its functional impact on education, recommendations for accommodations, adaptive devices, assistive services, compensatory strategies, and other support services are considered. 

Disability Harassment Policy

ECC prohibits any form of disability harassment involving any of its employees in the employment relationship or involving any college employee and a student of the college in the college relationship, whether it is in the form of a college employee harassing a student with a disability or a student with a disability harassing a college employee. The college has a firm belief and has established a policy that all employees are entitled to work, and all students are entitled to learn in an environment free of discrimination based on a disability. Any act, comment, or behavior which is harassing and which in any way interferes with an employee or a student’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment is strictly prohibited. Students or employees who feel they have been subjected to harassment due to a disability may file a complaint with the Vice President of Student Services. Complaints involving the Vice President of Student Services should be filed with the President.

Disability Grievance Procedure

Students have the right to appeal any decisions about accommodations, discrimination, and harassment by using the non-academic grievance procedure.

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Veterans’ Affairs

Role of the Office of Veterans’ Affairs

The Office of Veterans’ Affairs serves to help assimilate veterans into the campus community and its environment. The office provides a myriad of services all designed to assist veterans in the pursuit of their educational objectives.

Assistance begins by helping veterans select a program of study which is suitable to their aptitudes, interests, and abilities. Once a program has been selected, and the college has accepted veterans, they are assisted in completing their paperwork to be certified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Before certification, official transcripts from high school and all post-secondary training attempted must be submitted and evaluated so that credit for previous training may be granted where appropriate.

Students must submit a certified copy of their DD-214 (Report of Discharge) or DD2384 (NOBE) and a 22-1990 (Application for Benefits). After completing the original application and providing supporting documents, veterans must be certified by this office. This certification must show complete identifying information, file number, course name, any previous credit allowed, enrollment period, expected graduation date, and additional information as needed.

Veterans who are experiencing academic difficulties in degree/diploma programs are advised to request tutorial assistance, which is provided free of charge. Veterans whose average falls below a two-point-zero (2.0) or “C” average GPA are placed on probation and advised through a probation letter. Veterans who fail to make satisfactory progress are terminated (ECC termination letter) and advised by the college and the Veterans Administration.

The ECC Office of Veterans’ Affairs makes referrals to local and state organizations such as the Employment Security Commission, VA County Service Officer, Vocational Rehabilitation, the Department of Social Services, and the Health Department, when possible, to accommodate individual needs of veterans.

Veterans’ Counseling

The college programs are approved for the training of veterans. Veterans and eligible veterans’ dependents who wish to pursue their education under the G.I. Bill must be counseled at the college by the Veterans’ Counselor.

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Child Care Program

The Child Care Financial Assistance Program at ECC was established by funding from the North Carolina Community College System and the Carl Perkins Grant. The program is intended to serve student parents who need assistance in paying their child care costs to attend ECC. It is not the intention of this program to refer or direct students to child care services. Student parents enter into child care arrangements of their own free will. The college’s role is to provide financial assistance to students.

Student parents must complete an “ECC Child Care Financial Assistance Program Application Form” available on the College’s website. Applicants must have a Student Aid Report on file with the Financial Aid Office and must have completed all requirements for admission to ECC.

Applicants are notified by mail regarding their application status. Approval is based on eligibility and availability of funds. If aid is awarded, student recipients need to schedule an appointment with the Child Care Coordinator to review the award and sign the agreement forms.

Campus Services


Textbooks can be bought and resold at the college bookstore. School supplies, sportswear, and gift items are also available. A bookstore is located on both campuses. Book lists for each semester may be found online at the college website.

Student Lounge

The student lounge area is a place to meet, eat, and relax during leisure moments. Computers, with Internet access, are also available in the student lounge. Information such as employment opportunities, social and recreational events, and student government activities may be posted in the student lounge but must be approved in advance by the Student Services Department. Any complaints concerning vending machine service should be directed to the Business Office.

Children of students are not allowed to use the lounge or any other facility while their parents are in class. Children are strictly forbidden from attending class with their parents.

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New Student Orientation

START@ ECC (Student Transition Advising and Registration Time), ECC’s New Student Orientation, takes place on campus the first day of priority registration for fall, spring, and summer semesters, other days agreed upon by College officials, and online. The first half of the orientation consists of an information session discussing topics such as advising, the registration process, drop/add rules, disability services, the tutoring program, student clubs, financial aid and foundation/scholarships, bookstore and parking passes, the library, security, and faculty and classroom expectations. Counselors are also introduced. The second half consists of registering for classes, visiting the Financial Aid Office, completing the placement test, obtaining student IDs and parking passes (for students who register), and taking a campus tour. New Student Orientation is required so students may learn about essential college services and policies and can be successful at ECC.

Academic Support

All curriculum students are assigned to a faculty advisor who assists them in planning their educational program, registering, and adjusting to college life. Students should periodically check with their advisor concerning their educational progress.

Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Provide adequate time for all students to determine issues and resolve them.
  2. Refer students to a Student Support Services counselor when it is appropriate (academic and personal problems, crises, instructor/student issues).
  3. Refer students to other student support services within the college when appropriate (Student Success Center, Career Counseling, Job Placement, Tutoring, Special Needs).
  4. Are the first stop for students needing help outside the classroom.
  5. Provide information about the college policies and procedures in the Student Handbook and College Catalog while stressing the responsibilities of students.
  6. Follow up on assigned advisees identified through the Academic Support System.
  7. Ensure that students who do not show up for a class or who have poor class attendance are referred to the Student Services counselor.
  8. Monitor progress of advisees who are on probation/suspension due to the college policy.
  9. Provide a system, in cooperation with Student Services and the Student Success Center, to have contact with students who withdraw from their program.

Library Services

Mission Statement

The mission of Edgecombe Community College Library is to collect, circulate, and provide access to print, audiovisual, and electronic resources to support the programs of the college and lifelong learning goals of its students, faculty, and staff, as well as the entire community. Materials in the collection are selected in cooperation with faculty and augmented with interlibrary loans of books and articles from both CCLINC libraries and other research libraries worldwide. Library staff provides the highest standard of professional and friendly service to all patrons, including both individual and classroom instruction in information literacy.

General Information

Both Tarboro and the Rocky Mount campuses have libraries. Each library houses an extensive collection of books and eBooks, including reference, subject area, and fiction titles. All books may be checked out except for reference materials. The total number of texts between the two campuses is approximately 37,000. Books in the general collection are selected to provide information on a wide variety of topics; however, the bulk of the collections on each campus focuses on curriculum topics relevant to that location. Both current and back issues of many journals, newspapers, and magazines are available on each campus for in-library use. Interlibrary loans are available for materials that are not located in the ECC collection.

The 5700-square foot Tarboro library has 20 computer workstations networked to a single printer. Wireless access is available on both campuses for students who bring their laptops. A self-serve copier is available on both campuses. There is a ten cents per page print or copy charge and a twenty-five cents per page charge for color. The Rocky Mount library with 3800 square feet of space has 21 computer workstations networked in the same manner. Both libraries are equipped with computer desks that will accommodate wheelchairs. Additionally, ergonomic mice, large print keyboards, and Zoom-Text software are available on two computers on each campus. The aisles between bookshelves are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs.

Both campus libraries have a variety of audiovisual equipment available for staff use and students with staff supervision. Tape recorders and video cameras may be used for class presentations. DVD/VCR/TV combos are available on both campuses to facilitate customer use of audiovisuals. Audiovisual equipment and instructional DVDs are available for faculty use and may only be taken from the library by students for class presentations with faculty supervision. Small audiovisual viewing rooms are available on the Tarboro campus for patrons. A small audio books collection is housed on both campuses. Audiobooks are available for checkout.

From the library web page, patrons may access the card catalog, online journals, and online databases. The web page has tutorials to assist students in using library resources and general library information tutorials. Additionally, the web page includes hours of operation, information about library use and a staff roster. A variety of electronic reference materials are offered on both campuses and remotely via the LRC website. Electronic reference resources include NCLive, SIRS, Literary Resource Center, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Credo, CQ Press, NC Knows, and Anatomy TV. All of these databases are available through the ECC Library website.

Hours of Operation

The Library is open from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The library closes at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. During summer hours, the library is closed all day on Friday. Library hours are subject to change during semester breaks and student holidays.

Telephone Contact Information

Students may call (252) 823-5166 and then use the following extensions to access the library staff:

Extension 211 - Director of Library Services
Extensions 244 or 323 for Interlibrary loan
Extensions 211 or 341 for Reference questions
Extensions 244 or 323 for Audio Visual services

Conduct in the Library

The library staff maintains a quiet atmosphere to facilitate study and research. Staff will assist students in finding facilities for small group collaboration. Students should refrain from the use of cell phones, eating or drinking while in the library. Students should adhere to all school behavior policies while in the library. Students should review and adhere to the ECC Acceptable Use Policy before using the internet in the library. When students are waiting for computers, patrons who are not students will be asked to vacate computers. Students who are not using computers for school work will be asked to leave computers for students who need to complete school assignments.

Library Cards

The official ECC identification badge is the library card. The official ECC badge should be displayed at all times while students are in the library.

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The Tutoring Center

ECC offers academic support for students who are enrolled in curriculum courses and who are having difficulty with the English, reading, or math skills that are essential to the successful completion of these courses. Both the Tarboro and Rocky Mount campuses provide a Tutoring Center staffed by professional English, math, and other specific subject area tutors. Tutors provide additional individualized instruction and support necessary to help students achieve academic success at the College. Tutors assist with study skills, test-taking skills, and class content. Students may apply to become academic tutors by contacting the Tutoring Center coordinator.

To work with a tutor, a student can walk into the Tutoring Center on either campus and must present a current student identification card and request help. Instructors can refer students to the Tutoring Center although a referral is not required. Instructors may initiate the referral, or students may request one by using Starfish, ECC’s communication tool and resource for coordinated support. Also, online tutoring is available to all students 24 hours per day, seven days a week, through Smarthinking.

The Tutoring Center also provides proctoring services for ECC’s online students. Students must contact the Tutoring Center to make an appointment to have an exam proctored by the tutoring staff. There is no fee for ECC’s tutoring and proctoring services. Please contact the Tutoring Center or the Tutoring Center coordinator for more information.

Success and Study Skills

ECC students are required to take a college success course. This course introduces the College’s physical, academic, and social environment and promotes personal development essential for success. Topics include campus facilities and resources; policies, procedures, and programs; study skills; and life management issues such as health, self-esteem, motivation, goal-setting, diversity, and communication.

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Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Assist students in reviewing their records of credits completed toward their certificate, diploma, or degree, and graduation. Provide students with student employment services information at that time.
  2. Work with Student Services to have a system of providing an exit interview for all students near program completion to discuss jobs/career choices, goals, or additional training as desired.
  3. Direct students to schedule the Career Readiness Certification exam (CRC).

A commencement exercise to award degrees, diplomas, and certificates is held at the end of the spring semester. The specific date for commencement is listed in the college calendar. All students receiving degrees, diplomas, and certificates are expected to attend commencement exercises. Students should see their advisor or Student Services for a “Graduation Request Formthe semester before they plan to graduate. Students must submit a “Graduation Request Form” to Student Services to be included in the graduation process.

Career Services

Career Services assists students and graduates with the career exploration process. Students or graduates who wish to talk with a professional staff member about career plans may make an appointment. The professional staff is available to assist students in choosing a major, assessing skills and interests, exploring information about jobs, arranging interviews, analyzing resumes, developing interviewing skills, and determining job-hunting strategies.

Students are encouraged to begin the job search process at least six months before graduation and to contact the North Carolina Division of Workforce Solutions for assistance in their job search.

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