Sep 19, 2024  
2016-2017 Catalog 

Student Life and Development


Student Services Department

Purpose Statement

The Student Services Department is available to assist students in accomplishing their educational goals and fostering their academic, personal, and social development through opportunities for involvement.


  1. To provide a comprehensive range of educational opportunities, quality training, and educational access to all adults in the college’s service area.
  2. To bring multicultural awareness to the community.
  3. To ensure quality throughout the college.

General Information

Official Announcements

ECC publishes official college information in the ECC Catalog, in the Student Handbook, on the ECC message boards, and on the college website. The Student Handbook supplements the catalog. The catalog describes academic programs and degree requirements, continuing education programs, and special programs. It gives detailed information on college procedures, services, and regulations. The handbook is updated annually, and the catalog is updated every two years.

Course offerings for curriculum programs are listed in the semester schedule, which is posted on the college website. Current copies are also available in the Student Services Department. Official announcements, as well as notices of upcoming campus events, are posted on the college message boards located in critical areas on both campuses. Student information is also posted on bulletin boards in all buildings on both campuses.


Textbooks can be bought and resold at the college bookstore, a non-profit service of ECC. School supplies, sportswear, and gift items are also available. A bookstore is located on both campuses. Book lists for each semester may be found online at the college website.

Student Lounge

The student lounge area is a place to meet, eat, and relax during leisure moments. Computers, with Internet access, are also available in the student lounge. Information such as employment opportunities, social and recreational events, and student government activities may be posted in the lounge but must be approved in advance by the Student Services Department. Any complaints concerning vending machine service should be directed to the Business Office.

Children of students are not allowed to use the lounge or any other facility while their parents are in class. Children are strictly forbidden from attending class with their parents.

Students with Disabilities

The college recognizes its responsibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to provide equal access to education for students with disabilities. Support services are available to the hearing impaired, visually impaired, orthopedically handicapped, and learning disabled, as well as to students with other health impairments. Students who are in special need should contact the Student Services Department.

Documentation of a disability must be on file at the college before accommodations can be provided. Individuals who require reasonable accommodations for a disability should make this requirement known to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) counselor as soon as possible (preferably at least 30 days prior to the scheduled date for the program, service, or activity) so that the college has time to make appropriate arrangements. Individuals accompanied by a personal assistant while on campus must provide the ADA counselor with documentation that includes sufficient reasons for the assistance.

Student Services

Guidance and Counseling

Guidance and counseling services are an integral part of the Student Services Department at Edgecombe Community College (ECC). Staff members of the department are individuals of varying backgrounds who are professionally trained and hold at least a master’s degree in the counseling area. Counselors are available on each campus to help students become more self-knowing, self-reliant, and directive by offering the following services:

  1. Appraising, organizing, and evaluating information such as transcripts, placement test scores, and interviews with students and instructors to determine proper placement and to assist students toward self-knowledge needed for decision making and planning.
  2. Providing professional counseling services to students in clarifying basic values, attitudes, interests, and abilities; assisting in all phases of decision making; assisting in formulating vocational educational plans and progress; and providing appropriate resources for more intensive and deep-seated personal problems.
  3. Providing information pertinent to the selection of courses, occupational prerequisites, transfer requirements, availability of resource agencies, and other areas of concern to students.
  4. Providing community services through vocational and educational counseling and other student personnel services to youth and adults in the community.
  5. Disseminating information by brochures, counselor visitations, conferences, or direct correspondence; encouraging school attendance; fostering understanding of requirements for admission and for special curricula; developing proper attitudes; and contributing to student decision making and planning.
  6. Providing information on loans, scholarships, grants, part-time jobs, and other resources for students who need financial assistance.

Counseling and Student Assistance Procedures

The Student Services Department endeavors to make its services available to every student from pre-admission through graduation. The pre-admission interview is designed to help students make a decision in terms of what curriculum program or programs they are best suited to enter. The interview involves evaluation of the high school transcript, along with discussion of the students’ needs, interests, and abilities.

Students may see a counselor on an individual basis to discuss personal, academic, vocational, educational, and financial needs. Student access to a counselor is determined by student-initiated or counselor-initiated appointment or by instructor or advisor referrals.

Specialized counseling for handicapped students is available in cooperation with Vocational Rehabilitation, the Department of Social Services, the Veterans’ Administration, and other agencies. The degree of disability and the educational potential of the students determine the extent of training and placement.

Academic counseling is available to students who have deficiencies in reading, writing, listening, computing, and study skills.

Advisors maintain academic records for advisees. Faculty members also are available for consultation.

Referral Service

The college recognizes that most student problems can be successfully treated, provided they are recognized in their early stages and referral is made to an appropriate resource. The problem may be one of personal relationships, physical illness, mental or emotional illness, finances, marital or family discord, alcoholism, drug abuse, legal issues, or other concerns. When students’ academic performance or attendance is unsatisfactory, and the students are unable or unwilling to correct the situation, either alone or with normal advisory assistance, there may be some cause outside the realm of their academic studies which is the basis of their problem. This policy assures that if such personal problems are the cause of unsatisfactory academic performance, students receive careful consideration and an offer of assistance to help resolve such problems in an effective and confidential manner.

Success and Study Skills

Study Skills (ACA 090) is a course designed to provide students with skills and techniques to enhance learning. Emphasis is placed upon mastering and applying the fundamental skills of learning. Topics covered include time management, notetaking, test taking, memory techniques, self-awareness, and personal goals. This course is for students who have been out of school for a number of years or who lack good study skills or techniques. This course is recommended for any student who places into DRE 096 .

Additionally, students are required to take a college success course. This course introduces the College’s physical, academic, and social environment and promotes personal development essential for success. Topics include campus facilities and resources; policies, procedures, and programs; study skills; and life management issues such as health, self-esteem, motivation, goal-setting, diversity, and communication.

Substance Abuse Program

Students will be referred to local substance abuse treatment providers.

Career Services

Career Services assists students and graduates with the career exploration process. Students or graduates who wish to talk with a professional staff member about career plans may make an appointment. Professional staff is available to assist students in choosing a major, assessing skills and interests, exploring information about jobs, arranging interviews, analyzing resumes, developing interviewing skills, and determining job-hunting strategies.

Students are encouraged to begin the job search process at least six months before graduation and to contact the North Carolina Division of Workforce Solutions for assistance in their job search.

Health Services and Standards

Student health services are not provided on campus. Students should seek medical attention from an area healthcare facility or provider.

Students with communicable diseases may be prohibited from registering for classes when health records indicate that their attendance would be detrimental to their health and safety or to the health and safety of other persons with whom they may come in contact. After recovery, students may be registered for classes.

Students who have significant health conditions or limitations may be required to submit a report or medical examination prior to their initial registration and are encouraged to inform their instructors at the beginning of each semester.

When deemed appropriate by the Vice President of Student Services, faculty advisors, instructors, and/or counselors are notified of students identified as having significant health conditions.

Certain programs have technical standards that must be met for admission to the program. Technical standards are defined as physical, mental, social, and psychological requirements needed for educational training. Those standards are required in order that students not be a danger to themselves or others with whom they come in contact in the pursuit of their educational objectives.

The college seeks to assist students who have special health conditions or limitations in the attainment of their educational goals. Services are provided in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In the event of accident or illness, the Student Services Department or the Business Office should be notified immediately. First aid is provided by college personnel in accordance with their capabilities. First aid kits and automatic electronic defibrillators (AEDs) are located in the Student Services Department and the library on both campuses, the Cosmetology Building on the Rocky Mount campus, and the reception area in Buildings B, E, and H on the Tarboro campus.

Students who become ill, are injured, or develop health problems requiring professional attention are referred to the emergency room at the most convenient hospital or to a local physician in accordance with instructions given by students or their family. In an emergency situation that requires immediate attention, students may be taken directly to the hospital by the rescue squad.

Environmental health and safety on the campus are the responsibility of the Vice President of Administrative Services.

Child Care Program

The Child Care Financial Assistance Program at ECC was established by funding from the North Carolina Community College System and the Carl Perkins Grant. The program is intended to serve student parents who need assistance paying their child care costs in order to attend ECC. It is not the intention of this program to refer or direct students to child care services. Student parents enter into child care arrangements of their own free will. The college’s role is to provide financial assistance to students.

Student parents must complete an “ECC Child Care Financial Assistance Program Application Form” available in Student Services. Applicants must have a Student Aid Report on file with the Financial Aid Office and must have completed all requirements for admission to ECC.

Applicants are notified by mail regarding their application status. Approval is based on eligibility and availability of funds. If aid is awarded, student recipients need to schedule an appointment with the Child Care Coordinator to review the award and sign the agreement forms.


START@ ECC (Student Transition Advising and Registration Time), New Student Orientation, takes place the first day of early registration for fall, spring, and summer semesters and other days agreed upon by College officials. The first half of the orientation consists of an information session discussing topics such as advising, the registration process, drop/add rules, disability services, the tutoring program, student clubs, financial aid and foundation/scholarships, bookstore and parking passes, the library, security, and faculty and classroom expectations. Counselors are also introduced. The second half consists of registering for classes, visiting the Financial Aid Office, completing the placement test, obtaining student IDs and parking passes (for students who register), and taking a campus tour.

New Student Orientation is required so students learn important college services and policies and can be successful at ECC. Online orientation is also available through the College’s website.

Academic Support

All curriculum students are assigned to a faculty advisor who assists them in planning their educational program, registering, and adjusting to college life. Students should periodically check with their advisor concerning their educational progress.

Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Provide adequate time with all students to determine issues and resolve them.
  2. Refer students to a Student Support Services counselor when it is appropriate (academic and personal problems, crisis situations, instructor/student issues).
  3. Refer students to other student support services within the college when appropriate (Career Counseling, Job Placement, Tutoring, Special Needs).
  4. Are the first stop for students needing help outside the classroom.
  5. Provide information about the college policies and procedures in the Student Handbook and College Catalog while stressing the responsibilities of students.
  6. Follow up on assigned advisees identified through the Academic Support System.
  7. Ensure that students who do not show up for class or who have poor class attendance are referred to the Student Services counselor.
  8. Monitor progress of advisees who are on probation/suspension due to the college policy.
  9. Provide a system, in cooperation with Student Services, to have contact with students who withdraw from their program.


The Tutoring Program assists students who are experiencing academic difficulties in curriculum courses. Tutors provide additional individualized instruction and support necessary to help students achieve academic success at the college. Tutors provide assistance with study skills, test-taking skills, and class content. Students may request tutoring assistance for any curriculum course by contacting the Student Services Department. There is no fee for tutoring services. The Tutoring Program employs students and other qualified individuals as tutors. Students may apply to be tutors by contacting the Curriculum Learning Center. Online tutoring is available to all students 24 hours per day. Please contact the Curriculum Learning Center (CLC) for more information.


Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Assist students in reviewing their records of credits completed toward their certificate, diploma, or degree, and graduation. Provide students with student employment services information at that time.
  2. Work with Student Services to have a system of providing an exit interview for all students near program completion to discuss jobs/career choices, goals, or additional training as desired.
  3. Direct students to schedule the Career Readiness Certification exam (CRC).

Student Activities

ECC recognizes the importance of student activities for retention of students. The college provides programs developed in response to student requests and needs. A large portion of responsibility for campus affairs lies with the Student Government Association. The students plan and present many co-curricular campus activities. Activities vary from semester to semester depending upon student choice. More information about student activities is available in the Student Services Department.

Student Government Association

The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) is to promote in students a personal sense of pride in and responsibility to the college and to accept their democratic responsibility as American citizens.

The SGA is composed of a representative from each curriculum and an elected president and vice president. All students who pay the activity fee are eligible to attend SGA meetings. Participation is open to all students without regard to race, gender, age, creed, color, religion, national origin, or disability. The SGA acts as an intermediary between the student, college, faculty, and administration. Through the Association, each student has a voice in student affairs. The SGA is responsible for organizing, approving, and funding all SGA activities. The activity fee pays for student activities.

The Dean of Students appoints the advisor to the SGA; this advisor supervises all SGA activities and meetings. The duties of the SGA advisor are as follows:

  1. Oversee the governing of the SGA in an advisory capacity (nonvoting).
  2. Attend all SGA meetings and functions.
  3. Accompany the SGA members to all meetings and conferences.
  4. Serve as a liaison between the SGA and Business Office concerning the disbursement of funds.
  5. Provide training in the development of leadership skills for SGA members.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is an honor society whose purpose is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. This honor society provides the opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for the exchange of ideas and ideals, and for stimulation of interest in academic excellence. To be a member of Phi Theta Kappa students must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be enrolled at ECC
  2. Have completed 12 credit hours in an associate degree program
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher
  4. Adhere to the ECC student code of conduct

Once these qualifications have been met, students are invited to be members and to participate in various service and scholarship activities. New members of Phi Theta Kappa are inducted into this honor society each year. Being a member of Phi Theta Kappa affords students numerous benefits and opportunities. Some of these benefits include the following:

  1. Golden Key Pin
  2. Membership Certificate
  3. Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Directory
  4. Phi Theta Kappa Seal on Diploma
  5. “Member of Phi Theta Kappa” on Transcript
  6. Golden Tassel for Graduation
  7. Scholarship Information and Opportunities
  8. Regional Conferences and Leadership Development Program
  9. International Conventions
  10. Honors Institutes (Opportunity to meet distinguished professionals)

Ambassador Program

ECC Student Ambassadors is an honorary group of students who represent the college at special events on campus and in the community. Students from diverse areas of the college who have a variety of career goals and experiences are selected. These students possess leadership potential, communication skills, and high academic standards. Each ambassador serves for one year with the option to renew for the second year with the selection committee’s endorsement. For their service to the College, Ambassadors receive free tuition and fees for one semester, a professional blazer and polo shirt to wear at Ambassador functions, and an Edgecombe Community College Ambassador name badge. The Ambassadors participate in a leadership program throughout the year and discuss topics such as public speaking, time management, etiquette, resume writing, and interview skills. The Student Ambassadors serve as tour guides as well as hosts/hostesses at official Edgecombe Community College and Foundation events and activities, assist with recruitment of potential students, speak to groups on the behalf of the College, and assist during New Student Orientation, registration, and graduation.

Ambassadors are expected to perform these services in both day and evening hours and on both campuses. The program is advised by a counselor in the Student Services Department.

To become an ECC Student Ambassador, a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must have and maintain a 3.25 grade point average.
  2. Must have completed 15 hours of course work before the application deadline.
  3. Must complete an Ambassador application and meet the deadline for applying.
  4. Must submit two completed Faculty Nominations.
  5. Must be interviewed and selected by a selection panel.
  6. Must sign a contract accepting responsibilities of being an ECC Student Ambassador.
  7. Must participate in an orientation and monthly meetings.


BUTTERFLIE (Building Unity through Teamwork, Empowerment, Respect, Friendship, and Leadership to Inspire Excellence), a program designed to mentor minority females, was implemented during the fall of 2006. The program focuses on issues such as motivating and assisting the minority females enrolled at the college. It also helps those involved develop skills in time management and leadership. This program focuses on touching the lives of females who are aspiring to succeed and excel. Another priority of the program is to inspire women and to demonstrate support of the students enrolled in the college.

Criminal Justice Club

The Edgecombe Community College Criminal Justice Club works to recognize and promote scholarship among students engaged in preparation for professions in the criminal justice system, and provide a forum for keeping abreast of new developments in criminal justice.

Edgecombe Radiography Student Organization (ERO)

Edgecombe Radiography Student Organization is an educational organization for full-time program radiography students. The objectives of ERO are to promote professional growth and leadership characteristics by participation in community projects and professional activities, encouraging membership prior to graduation. Continuing education is required for professional certification and membership and participation at professional meetings is the best practice for obtaining continuing education credits. It also allows for a peer support group and the opportunity to experience local, state and national professional activities and seminars.

ERO raises funds to support professional and graduate activities, encouraging team work and enhancing leadership skills.


EMPAC (Empowering Males with a Purpose to Achieve and Celebrate) is a mentoring program that empowers minority males to assist one another with the development and enhancement of maturity skills needed to be role models at home, in school, and in the community. EMPAC hosts workshops and assists in community service projects. The goals of EMPAC are as follows:

  1. Increase retention and graduation
  2. Increase personal development
  3. Raise social and civic awareness
  4. Promote leadership development
  5. Promote cultural awareness and diversity
  6. Access resources to meet life’s challenges

Health Information Technology (HIT) Society for Students and Alumni

The purpose of this society is to enhance and support the lifelong learning process of students and professionals in Health Information Management Association (HIMA) with a vision of quality and customer satisfaction.

The following goals guide the work of the society:

  1. To establish a mentoring program for the sharing of educational and professional life experiences between alumni and HIT students.
  2. To maintain an effective and timely communication exchange regarding the dynamic changes in the profession and impact of those changes on the HIT educational program through a variety of mediums. Those mediums include an online discussion forum, email, the HIT Society Newsletter, and HIT Web site development.
  3. To provide financial support through the HIT Society Educational/Scholarship Program, which assists dedicated students desiring to enter the Health Information field and supports leading edge educational offerings.
  4. To establish a viable medium for collecting and maintaining measurable data concerning ECC HIT graduates through continued contact.
  5. To provide a local medium for coordinating education events through informal roundtable discussions and/or formal workshops/seminars based upon immediate identified needs.
  6. To provide an ongoing mechanism for “consumers” of the ECC HIT program to have direct input in continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the program.

Human Services Organization

The ECC Organization for Human Services is an educational organization for students interested in human services issues. The objectives of this organization include creating a professional network for Human Services students and graduates; providing students with a peer support group; encouraging students to become active in human services prior to graduation by volunteering in the community and coordinating education programs; allowing students to offer informative presentations and workshops to ECC and the public; and enabling students to be a part of a statewide, regional, and national human services organization.

Phi Beta Lambda

Phi Beta Lambda is the national organization for all students in post-secondary schools and colleges enrolled in programs designed to develop vocational and professional competencies and who accept the purpose of Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) and subscribe to its creed. The purpose of the organization is to: “…provide opportunities for post-secondary and college students to develop vocational competencies for business and office occupations and business teacher education. Phi Beta Lambda is an integral part of the instructional program and, in addition, promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility.”

PBL is open to all degree majors.

Student Association of Medical Assisting

The Student Association of Medical Assisting was developed to provide a professional representation of the college where medical assisting students can unite and actively participate to promote the advocacy for quality patient-centered healthcare. This club meets once a month except during holidays or when the college is closed. The Student Association of Medical Assisting gives students an opportunity for leadership in their program of study.

Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association is an educational organization for students in the Nursing Program. The purpose of this association is to unite the nursing student body in service to the school and community; to work toward public understanding, acceptance, and support of the nursing students of ECC; to foster the highest standards of professionalism among the nursing students; and to be a source of support and help to one another.

Surgical Technology Student Association

The membership of the Surgical Technology Student Association consists of students in the Surgical Technology program. The goals of the association include: to promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities towards health care, to represent the surgical technology student to the consumer, institutions and other organizations, to facilitate the students’ responsibilities for contributing to Surgical Technology education, and to provide an avenue to raise funds for projects and educational opportunities while enrolled in the program.

Corporate and Community Development is the division of instruction that addresses Continuing Education and Workforce Development. Continuing