Feb 18, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 

Corporate and Community Development

Education includes Basic Skills, Hispanic/Latino Initiative, Human Resources Development (HRD), and Occupational Extension/Special Programs. Workforce Development includes Fire, Emergency Medical Services and Rescue, and Law Enforcement; Business and Industry Services; Workforce Development and Training Center (WDTC); the Small Business Center (SBC); and Rural Entrepreneurship through Action Learning (REAL).

Basic Skills (College and Career Readiness)

The mission of the Basic Skills program at ECC is to provide educational opportunities for adults 16 years of age or older who are out of school. The program focuses on the needs of adults who do not have a high school diploma or who need basic education skills to function effectively in society. The programs are Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult High School (AHS) Online, Compensatory Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), General Educational Development (GED), and GED Online.

The Basic Skills Center (The Learning Lab) is set up for individualized instruction. Students are welcome to come in and brush up on old skills or learn new ones. GED, ABE, and the AHS Online programs are offered. Materials are available in books and on audio and video tapes, as well as through computerassisted instruction. Regardless of previous education, students begin at their current skill level and progress at their own pace. An instructor is always present to assist students in their studies. Students can attend at their own convenience during scheduled center hours. There is no tuition fee to attend the center, but students should have their own pencils and notebook paper. Basic Skills Centers are located on both campuses and are open during the following times: Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. The schedule may change for the summer session. Additional information can be obtained from any Basic Skills Center instructor on the Rocky Mount or the Tarboro campus.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

ABE is a competency-based curriculum designed to assist adults who wish to improve their basic skills in reading, writing, communication, and mathematics. The curriculum also focuses on the exploration of life skills such as critical thinking, self-esteem, and job performance. ABE is a stepping stone needed for the advancement to additional studies in AHS or GED. Students progress at their own rate of learning, based on their abilities and needs. Students are provided books based on their assessment level.

ABE classes are offered on the Rocky Mount and the Tarboro campuses, as well as at some community sites. No registration fee is required, and materials are provided by the college. Materials are specifically prepared with the emphasis on adult needs and interests.

Adult High School (AHS) Online

The AHS program is offered online through NovaNet, which is approved by the Department of Public Instruction. The AHS program is designed for students who want the opportunity to complete the courses needed to earn an Adult High School Diploma. The AHS program of ECC is fully accredited as a high school, and graduates are granted the same rights and privileges as graduates of any high  school in North Carolina.

Adults who are 18 years of age or older may enroll. Individuals who are 16 and 17 years of age may enroll with special permission from public school officials  and parents or legal guardians. There are no fees or tuition for this program. Additional information can be obtained from the AHS Online Coordinator. Students completing the AHS program may participate in the ECC annual graduation ceremony. They may purchase caps and gowns through the Student Services Department.

Requirements for graduation are as follows:

  • 4 units of English
  • 4 units of Mathematics (including Algebra I)
  • 3 units of Science
  • 4 units of History
  • 1 unit of Health/Physical Education*
  • 6 Electives

Total of 22 units required

* Students who have not passed high school Physical Education cannot enroll in the AHS program.

Compensatory Education

Compensatory Education is defined as those educational opportunities that allow adults with developmental disabilities to function at their fullest potential. The program focuses on basic and real-life skills, which are language, social studies, mathematics, consumer economics, community living, health, and vocational education. These skills are geared toward helping students become independent and self-directing in the home, on the job, and in the community.

The project originated in 1980 and was funded by the Department of Community Colleges using federal Adult Basic Education special project funds. It was instituted as a result of the 1978 Civil Action No. 3050 in which the North Carolina Association for Retarded Citizens and the State of North Carolina agreed that adults with mental retardation should receive a free and appropriate public education suited to their individual needs and capabilities.  Compensatory Education classes are offered on the Rocky Mount and the Tarboro campuses. In addition, the college partners with Tri-County Industries and other approved facilities for operation of the program.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Program

The ESL program consists of classes that assist adults with limited or no English proficiency. ESL classes are offered at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.

The course curriculum is designed to develop or improve skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The English language is integrated with topics that prepare students for everyday life, citizenship, and the workforce.

Classes are offered on the Rocky Mount and the Tarboro campuses, as well as at other community sites within Edgecombe County. All books and instructional materials are provided by the Basic Skills department.

General Educational Development (GED)

The GED program is designed for adults who have not completed high school. A series of five tests designed to measure general competence is required. Reading,  mathematics, science, social studies, and writing skills are the five testing areas.

An individualized plan of study is created for each student. Upon successful completion of tests, students earn the equivalent of a high school diploma. To be admitted to the GED program, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  1. Students must be 18 years of age or older.
  2. Students who are 16 and 17 years of age may enroll only with written permission from the appropriate high school official and the permission of their parent or legal guardian. To apply to the program, students must complete an application and appear before an admissions committee.

Books are supplied free by the program for use in class. Students wishing to purchase books for use at home may do so through their instructors. Students who take the GED test must pay a testing fee. Students also must submit a copy of their Social Security card and a picture ID prior to testing. A minimum score of 410 is required on each individual test in order to pass; however, a total score of 2250 must be obtained in order to receive the GED diploma.

GED classes are offered on the Rocky Mount campus, the Tarboro campus, and at other community sites. Students completing the GED may participate in the ECC  annual graduation ceremony. They may purchase caps and gowns through the Student Services Department.

GED Online

The GED Online course of study is a web-based program for students who desire to prepare for their GED tests at home via the Internet. Requirements to enroll in the GED Online program are as follows:

  1. Students must take a placement test, which is given on either the Rocky Mount campus or the Tarboro campus.
  2. Students must attend the online orientation on either the Rocky Mount campus or the Tarboro campus.

Upon completion of testing and orientation, students are given the GED Online computer disk to install on their home computer. Once the program is installed, students are able to login and begin studies for the GED courses. GED Online students must take all practice GED tests on campus before they can sign up for official GED tests.

Students who complete the GED Online program and pass the official GED test may participate in the ECC annual graduation ceremony. They may purchase caps and gowns through the Student Services Department.

For additional information, interested persons should contact the GED Online Coordinator.

Hispanic / Latino Initiative

The purpose of the Hispanic/Latino Initiative is to assist the Hispanic/Latino community in Edgecombe County with a smooth transition from their culture and language to the American culture and language. It is designed to provide resources and training at the college for individuals to improve their quality of life. The Hispanic/Latino community is offered the opportunity to obtain and/or improve their personal, communication, and workplace skills.

Under this program, the college offers a variety of Spanish classes on a continuing basis to assist citizens in learning how to communicate in another language. Several English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are offered on the campuses and in the community.

The college, in collaboration with the Edgecombe County Public Schools, offers a Multicultural College Day Program for high school and middle school students. The purpose of this program is to provide an opportunity for multi-ethnic students to become familiar with programs and resources offered at the college.

Additionally, the college offers a course, Workplace Spanish for School Employees, designed for teachers of Edgecombe County Schools to develop their Spanishspeaking skills. As a result, teachers become more aware of the Hispanic/Latino culture.

The college collaborates with the City of Rocky Mount to assist with the Latino Festival that is held in downtown Rocky Mount.

For more information about the Hispanic/Latino Initiative, interested persons should contact the Hispanic/Latino Coordinator.

Human Resources Development (HRD)

HRD is a state-funded program administered by the North Carolina Community College System. HRD focuses on the development of basic workplace skills by providing skill assessment services, employability skills training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed adults. There is an HRD program in all 58 community colleges.

The HRD program is student-centered and focuses on the creation of developmental activities geared toward (1) the acquisition of work-related and family self-sufficiency skills, (2) the establishment of a variety of options for upgrading employment-related skills, and (3) the development of proactive outreach, instructional, and case management strategies to help students reach their goals.

Local colleges have the flexibility to customize the scope and duration of courses to meet the needs of their community and/or targeted populations. Thus, HRD programs offer short-term training classes, usually 4 to 10 hours, in addition to their traditional employability skills courses that are offered from 40 to 115 hours. Course offerings include topics such as Orientation and Motivation to the World of Work, Money Smart, Surviving a Layoff, Interview/Resume/Application  (IRA), SUPER Man, SUPER Woman, Job Savvy, and Passport to Success. HRD courses are free of charge to individuals who meet one of the following criteria: (1) are unemployed, (2) have received notice of layoff, (3) are working, but their income is 200 percent below the federal poverty level and (4) are working and eligible for the federal earned income tax credit (This factor is appealing to individuals who need training but cannot afford to pay the registration fee.).

For additional information concerning the HRD program and HRD classes, interested persons should contact the HRD Director.

Special Programs

Special Programs offers courses designed to help adults further their education, improve their individual efficiency, upgrade and improve present job skills, prepare for future employment and recertification, enrich their cultural lives, and become more effective members of their communities.

Enrollment and Class Schedules

Adults 18 years old or older regardless of educational background who are not enrolled in public school may be admitted to Continuing Education courses. With the approval of the appropriate public school official, some students between 16 and 18 years of age may be considered for enrollment.

Classes are scheduled during the day, in the evening, and on weekends, on and off campus and at various locations and times throughout Edgecombe County. Courses are organized based on need, interest, and availability of suitable facilities. Continuing Education courses are also offered online.


Students should register in advance for Continuing Education courses to assure they have a seat. Some courses will require advance registration and payment. To register for a course or for more information, individuals should call Corporate & Community Development on the Tarboro campus or on the Rocky Mount campus.


Tuition fees for occupational extension courses are set by the NCCCS State Board. Fees vary depending upon the number of course contact hours.

Tuition fees for self-supporting courses vary according to the number of students enrolled and the materials needed.

Textbook and supply charges are announced at the first class meeting. All students are responsible for textbook and supply charges. No student is officially enrolled until all fees and charges are paid.

Course Repetition Policy

Students who take an occupational extension course more than twice within a five-year period pay a fee based on a formula established by the North Carolina Community College System. This policy does not apply to community service courses because students can enroll in these classes with no penalty. Courses for certification, licensure, and recertification are also exempt.

Refund Policy

Refunds are based on the following circumstances:

  1. A 100 percent refund is issued upon the request of students if they are pre-registered for an occupational extension class and officially withdraw from the class prior to the first day of class.
  2. For classes that meet four times or less, a 75 percent refund is issued if persons withdraw on or before the first session of class and request the refund.
  3. For classes that meet five or more times, a 75 percent refund is allowed if students officially withdraw on or before the 10 percent point. The 10 percent point varies from course to course.
  4. For contact hour classes, ten calendar days from the first day of the class is the determination date.
  5. There are no refunds for self-supporting courses once they have begun.
  6. If the course is canceled or seats are not available in the class, the college makes a full refund.

Attendance and Certificates

  1. Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Attendance records are maintained by the class teachers.
  2. Official certificates are issued from the Continuing Education office for students who satisfactorily complete classes. Completion criteria vary from class to class.
  3. For professional licensure, recertification, and re-licensure, attendance information is forwarded to the appropriate agency by mail or e-mail, if requested by the agency.

Grading Policy

The Continuing Education Division awards grades for every course taken, regardless of the length of the course. All grades are recorded on a permanent record, which is maintained by the college indefinitely.

Grade Significance

S Satisfactory Represents satisfactory completion of course requirements
U Unsatisfactory Given to students who do not successfully complete course requirements or attend less than 75 percent of the classes
DR Dropped Given to students who register but do not attend class again before the 30 percent point of classes
P Pass Represents satisfactory completion of course requirements
A 93 - 100  
B 85 - 92  
C 77 - 84  
D 70 - 76  
F 0 - 69  
I Incomplete  

Continuing Education Unit (CEU)

The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is designed to recognize and record individual and institutional participation in non-traditional studies and special activities. Recertification, licensure, and re-licensure courses require CEUs. CEUs are awarded for teacher certificate renewal courses in terms of one CEU for every ten course contact hours. Other groups such as real estate brokers, real estate appraisers, cosmetologists, manicurists, estheticians, and electrical contractors receive one CEU for every course contact hour. Policies for CEUs vary from agency to agency.

Community Service Classes

Community Service classes are designed to provide lifelong learning for adults and to contribute to the community’s overall cultural, civic, and intellectual growth. Community Service classes include classes that focus on individuals’ personal or leisure needs. Courses are usually self-supporting, which means all class members pay the same pre-determined amount.

Occupational Extension Classes

Occupational Extension classes are designed for the specific purpose of training individuals for employment, upgrading the skills of persons presently employed, and retraining others for new employment. Classes are offered in all technical and occupational fields and vary in length according to the complexity of the skill and the need of the employee or employer. Most classes are developed and taught on request, are usually offered at a time and location convenient to the employee and employer, and are custom-designed.

Continuing Education Online Classes

Ed2Go classes are online continuing education classes that can be completed at home, in the office, in the college media center. These courses are offered every month, with the length of the courses being about eight weeks. Two lessons are issued each week for six weeks, and the average time required to complete a lesson is about two hours. Because the book is on line, there is no extra fee. There is a chat room with the instructor and other students around the world, as well as supplementary materials and assignments. The majority of the classes are occupational extension, while some are only for personal enrichment. These classes are considered 24 contact hours, which equals 2.4 CEUs. There is a specific category for teacher renewal classes. All Ed2Go classes are monitored electronically by the Special Programs office. Interested persons should visit the college’s website to view the variety of classes offered.

Recertification Classes

Courses can be custom-designed for the purpose of recertification. Teachers can take occupational extension classes if they relate to their field of work or take ED2Go classes online. A class that is ten contact hours is one CEU for teachers. When individuals complete a class, the Continuing Education office issues a certificate, which can be submitted to the NC Department of Public Instruction for teacher renewal credit.

The Special Programs office works with other state agencies that require annual recertification for professionals. Some of the agencies are the NC Real Estate Commission, NC Appraisal Board, NC Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners, NC State Board of Examiners for Electrical Contractors, NC Board of Nursing, and NC Department of Health/Human Services Division of Facility Services. These agencies consider one contact hour to be equal to one CEU. The Special Programs office submits names of those completing the courses to the appropriate agencies and also issues official certificates to the attendees.

For more information about Continuing Education, contact the Director of Special Programs or the Division Dean at (252) 823-5166.

Business and Industry Services

Business and Industry Services offers Customized Training Programs funded by the NCCCS for individual businesses meeting the criteria described below. Specific courses customized to individual business needs, public courses for individuals. WorkKeys(R) services and NC Career Readiness Certificates are also offered by Business and Industry Services.

Customized Training Programs

The purpose of the Customized Training Program is to provide customized training assistance in support of full-time production and direct customer service positions created in the State of North Carolina, thereby enhancing the growth potential of companies located in the state while simultaneously preparing North Carolina’s workforce with the skills essential to successful employment in emerging industries.

Eligible businesses include: Manufacturing, Technology Intensive (i.e., Information Technology, Life Sciences), Regional or National Warehousing and Distribution Centers, Customer Support Centers, Air Courier Services, National Headquarters with operations outside North Carolina, and Civil Service employees providing technical support to US military installations located in North Carolina.

To receive assistance, eligible businesses and industries must demonstrate two or more of the following criteria:

  • The business is making an appreciable capital investment;
  • The business is deploying new technology;
  • The business is creating jobs, expanding an existing workforce, or enhancing the productivity and profitability of the operations within the State; and,
  • The skills of the workers will be enhanced by the assistance.

Resources may support: training assessment, instructional design, instructional costs, and training delivery for personnel involved in the direct production of goods and services. Production and technology support positions are also eligible for training support.

Full-time probationary employees of qualified Customized Training companies are eligible for training delivered by the community college. The use of Customized Training funds requires that trainees are paid by the company for all time during training hours.

Customized Courses for Individual Businesses

Courses can be provided at times and locations that meet individual business needs. Examples include:

  • Apprenticeship programs approved by the Department of Labor
  • Kepner-Tregoe courses (a nationally recognized leader in problem solving): currently ECC offers Analytical Troubleshooting for industrial employees
  • Leadership, supervisory, customer service & recruiting & selection skills
    • DDI, Development Dimensions International ®
    • DiSC - a behavior based learning tool for understanding individuals & groups
  • Practical Project Management - a 3 day seminar for professionals who are new to managing projects or experienced managers who wish to review and reinforce best practices in project management. It offers foundation tools & techniques as defined by the Project Management Institute.
  • Continuous Improvement Skills and Methods,
    • ISO 9000 Auditing and Implementation courses
    • Lean Six Sigma Yellowbelt, Greenbelt, & Blackbelt
    • Specific Lean and Six Sigma Topics Including:
      • 5S
      • Process & Value Stream Mapping
      • Error Proofing
      • Lean Office
      • Quick Changeover
      • Theory of Constraints
      • Design of Experiments
      • Statistical Process Control
  • Safety Skills, for example:
    • Confined Space
    • Forklift Training
    • HazCom
    • HazWoper 24, 40, Refresher
    • Lockout/Tagout
    • OSHA 10 hr. - General Industry
    • PPE
  • Specific Technical Skills:
    • AutoCAD
    • Biotechnology
    • Computer Applications: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Access, Front Page, QuickBooks, Publisher, and Windows; Introduction to Computers, Internet Basic, and More
    • Hydraulics & Pneumatics
    • Machining
    • Manufacturing Automation
    • MSSC Certified Production Technician
    • PLCs - Programmable Logic Controllers
    • Refrigeration
  • Train the Trainer

Business and Industry Public Course Offerings

These courses enable students to upgrade professional skills; learn new technologies; or achieve professional certifications, licensures, renewals, or job skill upgrades. These courses are offered as a result of requests or identified needs and can be open to any appropriate individual.

  • Introduction to Tire Manufacturing - a 33-hour course, successful completion is required for employment consideration at Bridgestone in Wilson , NC
  • Introduction to Electronics Manufacturing - a 30-hour course, successful completion is required for employment consideration at Keihin CST in Tarboro, NC (call for details)

WorkKeys® and North Carolina’s Career Readiness Certificate (CRC)

The WorkKeys® system provides job profiles, skill assessments, and skills training in basic workplace skills. The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) certifies core employability skills required across multiple industries and occupations. It:

  • Is a portable credential that promotes career development and skill attainment for the individual
  • Confirms to employers that an individual possesses basic workplace skills in reading for information, applied math, and locating information and is capable of learning job specific skills
  • Is an Economic and Workforce Development tool that transcends all populations and all occupations
  • Is a Multi-Level Approach: Bronze, Silver and Gold Level Certificates
    • Bronze Level - core employability skills for approximately 30% of the jobs profiled by WorkKeys® in these skill areas
    • Silver Level - core employability skills for approximately 65% of the jobs profiled by WorkKeys® in these skill areas
    • Gold Level - core employability skills for approximately 90% of the jobs profiled by WorkKeys® in these skill areas
  • Is earned by the individual by assessing with WorkKeys® in reading, applied math, and locating information (WorkKeys® is a comprehensive employability skills assessment tool used by thousands of companies in the United States and internationally)
  • Is administered by local community colleges and JobLink Career centers

At Edgecombe Community College contact: Business and Industry Services (252) 823-5166, ext. 166, or go to: http://www.edgecombe.edu/continuing-education/career-readiness-certificate.

For more information on any Customized Training or Business and Industry Services offerings contact the Director of Customized Training and Workforce Development at (252) 823-5166, ext. 197.

Emergency Services / Public Safety

The Fire Service program provides full time and volunteer fire departments with the opportunity to gain knowledge, practical skills, and certification in modern firefighting, rescue, officer development, and fire department management skills. The Emergency Medical Services and Rescue program provides certification in a wide variety of emergency medical and rescue-related programs. The Law Enforcement program provides Sworn Credentialed Law Enforcement Officers, Detention Officers, and Communication Personnel with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills based on new and existing technology. The First Responder program provides a wide variety of specialized training to individuals and organizations that are included in the Emergency Management and local government emergency plans and recognized as first responders during disaster and emergencies. This includes but not limited to: Emergency Medical Personnel, Firefighters, Hospital Staff, Law Enforcement, Public Health Personnel, Public Works/Utility Personnel, Skilled Support Personnel and other emergency management response, support, volunteer personnel at all levels. 

Fire Service

The Fire Service program is designed to provide full time and volunteer fire departments with the opportunity to gain knowledge, practical skills, certification and re-certification in modern firefighting, rescue, medical first responder, officer development, and fire department management skills. Programs are open to all fire departments in the Edgecombe County area. A broad range of specialty classes, based on both department needs and new training standards, are offered during the year on the college campus or at various fire departments. Fire Service classes that require physical exertion and use specialized departmental equipment are offered to credentialed fire service personnel only.

Classes include but are not limited to the following:

  • Firefighter I & II Certification (Includes Skill Assessment & Written Test)
  • Basic Fire Fighter Training (Non-Certified, no written test)
  • Live Fire Burns (Both Structural, Simulator Trailer and LP Gas)
  • Aerial Operations Series
  • Driver Operator Series
  • Rescue Technician
  • National Incident Management System (IS 700, 100, 200, 300, 400, 800)
  • Incident Command
  • Rapid Intervention (RIT)
  • Special Rescue Operations
  • Wildland Fire Management & Safety
  • Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operational Level
  • Hazardous Materials/Terrorism /Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Land Search Rescue
  • Basic Arson Awareness
  • Clandestine Drug Lab Awareness
  • Water Rescue / Swift Water
  • First Responder / CPR / Basic First Aid
  • NC Fire Incident Reporting System / Computer Basics
  • Rescue Technician / Extrication
  • Confined Space/Trench Rescue
  • Spanish for Fire Service
  • Emergency Vehicle Driver
  • Pump Operator Series
  • Water Shuttle
  • Search Warrants

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

The EMS and Rescue program is designed to provide certification in a wide variety of emergency medical and rescue- related programs. It provides full time and volunteer Rescue Squads with the opportunity to gain knowledge, practical skills, and advanced skills based on pre-hospital emergency situations. Programs are open to all EMS departments in the Edgecombe County area. A broad range of specialty classes, based on both department needs and new training standards, is offered during the year on the college campus or at various departments. Many of these classes may be offered to interested citizens, however Emergency Medical Service classes that require physical exertion and use specialized departmental equipment are offered to credentialed EMS service personnel only.

Classes include but are not limited to:

  • Emergency Medical Technician * *
  • Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate * *
  • Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic **
  • Emergency Medical Responder **
  • Basic Life Support (ITLS)
  • Emergency Medical Technician Recertification**
  • Advanced Life Support
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support
  • Rescue Technician
  • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED)
  • Vehicle Extrication
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • National Incident Management System (IS 700, 100, 200, 300, 400, 800)
  • Incident Command
  • Emergency Vehicle Driving
  • Hazardous Materials/Terrorism /Weapons of Mass destruction
  • Clandestine Drug Lab Awareness
  • Spanish for EMS
  • Scope of Practice Assessment

A wide variety of EMS Refresher Programs based on need and departmental request.
**N.C. Office of Emergency Medical Services, Credentialed, Skills Assessment and Written Exam. This is a four year renewable certification with optional monthly continuing education updates through departmental in-service training or refresher course near the end of the credentialed period.
** Programs offered to the general public without departmental affiliation

Law Enforcement

The Law Enforcement program at ECC is designed to provide Sworn Credentialed Law Enforcement Officers, Detention Officers, and Communication Personnel with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills based on new and existing technology. Programs are open to all Law Enforcement Agencies in the Edgecombe County area. A broad range of mandated and specialty classes, based on both department needs and new training standards, are offered during the year on the college campus or at various department locations.

Classes include but are not limited to:

  • Legal Updates *
  • Domestic Violence *
  • Ethical Awareness *
  • Blood Borne pathogens *
  • Juvenile Minority Sensitivity *
  • Basic Firearms Training *
  • Advanced Firearms Training / Combat
  • Officer Survival
  • Detention Officer Certification
  • Basic Arson Detection / Investigation
  • Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
  • First Responder / CPR / Basic First Aid
  • Report Writing
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Basic Canine Patrol Dog Training (400Hrs)
  • K-9 Handler Training (obedience, agility, tracking, woods & building)
  • Advanced K-9 Handler Training (apprehension, narcotics, parcel search)
  • Vehicle Search
  • Search & Seizure
  • Criminal Investigation
  • Spanish for Criminal Justice
  • National Incident Management System (IS 700, 100, 200, 300, 400, 800)
  • Rapid Deployment
  • Spanish for Law Enforcement Service
  • Verbal Judo
  • Customer Service
  • AHA CPR, AED & First Aid
  • Emergency Medical Dispatcher (CE)

A wide variety of Law Enforcement Initial and Refresher Programs are based on need and departmental requests.
*State mandated, annual training may vary by agency.
Classes are offered to sworn, credentialed law enforcement officers only.

First Responders

The First Responder program at ECC is designed to provide full time and volunteer disaster and emergency response personnel with the opportunity to gain knowledge, practical skills in disaster, emergency response, rescue, and life safety skills. Programs are open to all individuals and organizations that are included in the Emergency Management and local government emergency plans and designated first responders during disaster and emergencies. This includes but not limited to: Emergency Medical Personnel, Firefighters, Hospital Staff, Law Enforcement, Public Health Personnel, Public Works/Utility Personnel, Public School / College Administration & Staff, Skilled Support Personnel and other emergency management response, support, volunteer personnel at all levels.

Classes include but are not limited to:

  • National Incident Management System NIMS (IS 700, 100, 200, 300, 400, 800)
  • First Responder / CPR / Basic First Aid / AED
  • Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operational Level
  • Hazardous Materials/Terrorism /Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Search & Rescue
  • Legal Updates
  • Blood Borne Pathogens
  • Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
  • Report Writing
  • Special Rescue Operations
  • Land Search Rescue
  • Web EOC
  • Multi Hazards in Schools
  • Community Mass Care Management
  • Other emerging programs from Federal, State and Local Government Agencies
  • Mounted Search & Rescue
  • AHA CPR, AED & First Aid

A wide variety of Initial and Refresher Programs are based on Federal, State, and Local Emergency Management requests.
For more information about Fire, EMS and Rescue, and Law Enforcement, contact the coordinator at (252) 823-5166, ext. 175.

Rural Entrepreneurship through Action Learning (REAL)

REAL, Rural Entrepreneurship through Action Learning is an enterprise program offering students the opportunity to learn how to become entrepreneurs.

The REAL program at ECC is a 30-contact hour course, generally offered over a five-week period two nights a week. It is a “hands-on” course that helps develop students skills needed to successfully own, operate, and grow a small business. The class guides students through the process of planning, creating, and operating their own small business. Some of the skills and tasks common to successful entrepreneurs that are addressed include the following:

  1. Self-Assessment - Identifying and developing existing or potential marketable skills and ideas
  2. Community Analysis - Pinpointing what businesses are needed and could be supported in the area
  3. Development of a Business Plan - Helping individuals and others understand exactly what the business is and why the idea for the business is a good one
  4. Operation of the Business - Experiencing the challenge and rewards of self-employment.

After completing the course, some students are ready to open their business. Other students discover they need more training, experience, or capital before they can begin. Some decide that small business ownership is not for them.

Health Occupations

Edgecombe Community College currently offers various certificate training programs in healthcare. Courses include: Nurse Aide I & II traditional and hybrid, Phlebotomy traditional and hybrid, Geriatric Aide, Medication Aide, and Medication Aide Instructor Training. Healthcare Provider CPR is included in each course with the exception of Medication Aide courses. Courses currently being developed are: Personal Home Care Aide State Training (PHCAST), Breastfeeding Basics, Nurse Aide I & II Refresher, and Health Coach. The college is in partnership with community organizations and developing programs to reach county residents who have an interest in pursuing a health career. Visit the Edgecombe Community College website for registration and class schedules or contact Laura Clark for course information or if you are an agency interested in offering a course for a group of students.

Small Business Center (SBC)

The ECC Small Business Center is part of a statewide network designed to support the development of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses by being a community-based provider of training, counseling, and resource information.

The SBC provides free, confidential counseling services for new and existing businesses. Available on an as-needed basis, counselors serve as sounding boards for ideas and concerns individuals may have about their businesses. The professional staff also helps find solutions to challenging business questions. The center has contact with vital local business and community leaders and other member agencies across the state that will help with business ventures.

Confidential counseling services and access to resource libraries are free of charge. Some seminars and workshops require a minimal registration fee. The SBC offers a wide variety of seminars and workshops to help small businesses be successful. Topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Doing Business with the Military
  • Employment Law Updates
  • Financing a Business
  • How to Start a Business
  • How to Write a Business Plan
  • Marketing for Success

The SBC has a library of professional resources waiting to be tapped. Printed materials including books, pamphlets, magazines, and trade journals, as well as a wide variety of tapes, videos, DVDs, and CD-ROMs, are available for use. In addition to providing training, counseling, and other resources, the SBC puts individuals in touch with vital local business and community leaders. As a member of the North Carolina Business Alliance, the center connects individuals with other member agencies across the state to help jump-start ventures.

For more information, interested persons should contact the following address:
Small Business Center
2009 W. Wilson St.
Tarboro, NC 27886
(252) 823-5166, ext. 220


Corporate and Community Development awards grades for every course taken, regardless of the length of the course. All grades are recorded on a permanent record, which is maintained by the college indefinitely.

Grade Significance:

S Satisfactory - Represents satisfactory completion of course requirements
U Unsatisfactory - Given to students who do not successfully complete course requirements or students who attend less than 75 percent of the classes
DR Dropped - Given to students who register but do not attend class again before the 10 percent point of class

There are no official forms for withdrawing from class. Those who wish to discontinue classes should inform the instructor. A code of DR is recorded on the permanent record of students who withdraw from classes before the 30 percent point; a U, for students dropping a course after the 30 percent point. There are no provisions for auditing classes. All students who register for classes in the Continuing Education Division receive a grade which is posted on a permanent record at the college.


Tuition fees are set by the State Board of Community Colleges and generally change from year to year. The cost of self-supporting courses varies according to the number of students enrolled and the materials needed. When other charges are necessary for textbooks and supplies, these are announced at the first class meeting. No student is officially enrolled until all fees are paid.

Workforce Development and Training Center

The Workforce Development and Training Center (WDTC) currently operate three training programs with federal funds from the Workforce Investment Act.

  1. The Dislocated Worker program assists dislocated workers with the necessary training to reenter the workforce. This training is often provided by the On-the-Job training program.
  2. The Adult On-the-Job (Adult OJT) program provides on-the-job training for economically disadvantaged individuals who are underemployed or have been unemployed for the past six months or more.
  3. The Exemplary Youth Program (YTEP - Youth Training and Education and Training Program) serves youth of Edgecombe County, ages 14 to 21. The program objective is to prepare individuals for post-secondary education and/or to equip participants with skills needed for entering the workforce. The program provides different types of activities to make individuals more marketable in the workforce, as well as opportunities for personal, social, and professional development. Program participants may qualify for financial assistance, which includes tuition, books, and fees. Also, there may be childcare and transportation assistance upon availability of funds.

Additional information may be obtained by contacting the following:
Workforce Development and Training Center
101 Tarboro Street
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 977-3292