Feb 11, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 


Library Services General Information

Both Tarboro and the Rocky Mount campuses have libraries. Each library houses a general collection of books and eBooks, including reference, subject area, and fiction titles. All books may be checked out except reference. The total number of books between the two campuses is approximately 37,000. Books in the general collection are selected to provide information on a wide variety of topics; however, the bulk of the collections on each campus focuses on curriculum topics relevant to that location. Both current and back issues of a number of journals, newspapers, and magazines are available on each campus for in-library use. Interlibrary loans are available for materials that are not located in the ECC collection.

The 5700-square foot Tarboro library has 20 computer workstations networked to a single printer. Wireless access is available on both campuses for students who bring their own laptops. A self-serve copier is available on both campuses. There is a ten cents per page print or copy charge and a twenty-five cents per page charge for color. The Rocky Mount library with 3800 square feet of space has 21 computer workstations networked in the same manner. Both libraries are equipped with computer desks that will accommodate wheelchairs. Additionally, ergonomic mice, large print keyboards, and Zoom-Text software are available on two computers on each campus. The aisles between bookshelves are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs.

Both campus libraries have a variety of audiovisual equipment available for staff use and for students with staff supervision. Tape recorders and video cameras may be used for class presentations. DVD/VCR/TV combos are available on both campuses to facilitate customer use of audio visuals. Audio visual equipment and instructional DVDs are available for faculty use and may only be taken from the library by students for class presentations with faculty supervision. Small audio visual viewing rooms are available on the Tarboro campus for patrons. A small audio books collection is housed on both campuses. Audio books are available for checkout.

From the library web page, patrons may access the card catalog, online journals, and online data bases. The web page has tutorials to assist students in using library resources and general library information tutorials. Additionally, the web page includes hours of operation, information about library use and a staff roster. A variety of electronic reference materials are offered on both campuses and remotely via the LRC website. Electronic reference resources include NCLive, SIRS, Literary Resource Center, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Credo, CQ Press, NC Knows and Anatomy TV. All of these data bases are available through the ECC Library website.

Hours of Operation

The Library is open from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The library closes at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. During summer hours, the library is closed all day on Friday. Library hours are subject to change during semester breaks and student holidays.

Telephone Contact Information

Students may call (252) 823-5166 and then use the following extensions to access the library staff:

Extension 211 - Director of Library Services
Extensions 244 or 323 for Interlibrary loan
Extensions 211 or 341 for Reference questions
Extensions 244 or 323 for Audio Visual services

Conduct in the Library

To facilitate study and research, a quiet atmosphere is maintained. The library staff will assist students in finding facilities for small group collaboration. Students should refrain from the use of cell phones, eating or drinking while in the library. Students should adhere to all school behavior policies while in the library. Students should review and adhere to the ECC Acceptable Use Policy before using the internet in the library. When students are waiting for computers, patrons who are not students will be asked to vacate computers. Students who are not using computers for school work will be asked to vacate computers for students who need to complete school assignments.

Library Cards

The official ECC identification badge is the library card. The official ECC badge should be displayed at all times while students are in the library.

Curriculum Learning Center

ECC offers academic support for students who are enrolled in curriculum courses and who are having difficulty with the English, reading, or math skills that are essential to successful completion of these courses. Both the Tarboro and Rocky Mount campuses provide a Learning Center staffed by professional English, math, and other specific subject area tutors. These centers provide assistance to those students who need periodic help in addition to in-class instruction and to those who need continuous help. Instructors must refer students to the Learning Center. Instructors may initiate the referral, or students may request one. There is no fee for this service.

Tutoring Program

The Tutoring Program assists students who are experiencing academic difficulties in curriculum courses. Tutors provide additional individualized instruction and support necessary to help students achieve academic success at the college. Tutors provide assistance with study skills, test-taking skills, and class content. Students may request tutoring assistance for any curriculum course by contacting the Curriculum Learning Center. There is no fee for tutoring services. The Tutoring Program employs students and other qualified individuals as tutors. Students may apply to be tutors by contacting the Student Services Department.

Office Technology Center

The Office Technology Center (OTC) provides the opportunity for students to take college credit courses through the use of individualized course materials and instruction. This instructional method features self-paced learning materials, flexible hours, and individualized instruction. The OTC offers courses to assist students in building keyboarding proficiency, developing office skills, and obtaining a working knowledge of current computer software. Instructors provide supportive feedback to promote the students’ abilities to master skill-enhanced courses. Registration procedures for courses taught in the OTC are the same as for all other curriculum courses.

Career Readiness

The North Carolina Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) certifies core employability skills required across multiple industries and occupations. It is a portable credential that promotes career development and skill attainment for an individual. It confirms to employers that an individual possesses basic workplace skills in reading for information, applied math, and locating information and is capable of learning job specific skills. It is an economic and workforce development tool that transcends all populations and all occupations. Administered by local community colleges and JobLink Career centers, it is available at Edgecombe Community College through the Division of Business and Industry Services. All graduates from ECC are required to take the Career Readiness Certification exams before they graduate. For more information, contact ECC at (252) 823-5166, ext. 249, or go to the NC CRC website.


The Employment Security Commission operates a JobLink Center on the Tarboro campus. Located in room 8B of the Fountain Building, office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., and Friday 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. For more information, contact Althea Hopkins at (252) 823-6742.

Office of Public Information

The Office of Public Information is responsible for the planning and coordination of college publications, community relations, marketing, and advertising. All institutional advertising and printing should be directed through this office.

Campus Communications

Confab is a weekly newsletter distributed to all college employees, trustees, Foundation board members, and other business and community leaders. The newsletter includes information on college activities and employees.

Edgecombe Community College Foundation

The purpose of the Edgecombe Community College Foundation is to promote the development of the college and all its programs and activities. Through such action, the Foundation works to expand opportunities for accessible quality education to the people of Edgecombe and surrounding counties. Gifts are used for financial aid and scholarships, in-service education for faculty and staff, equipment and library resources, and other teaching facilities. The funds provided by the Foundation enable the college to serve far more students than public funds allow. All private gifts to the college should be directed to the Edgecombe Community College Foundation, a tax-exempt, 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation, operating exclusively for the benefit of the college and its students.

Donors should send correspondence to the following address:
Executive Director
Edgecombe Community College Foundation
2009 West Wilson Street
Tarboro, NC 27886
(252) 823-5166

Edgecombe Performance Series

ECC presents the annual Edgecombe Performance Series designed to appeal to all facets of the population of Edgecombe County and Eastern North Carolina. The series focuses on a diverse lineup of entertainment which may include jazz, blues, Latino, bluegrass, swing, country, gospel, reggae, or classical music. Offerings in the past have included B.B. King, Doc Watson, Buddy Guy, Rhonda Vincent, Robert Cray, Taylor Swift, and the North Carolina Symphony, to name a few.

Tickets to individual events are available, and patrons have the option to purchase reserved season tickets at a reduced rate per performance. Discounts are offered for senior citizens age sixty-five (65) and older, ECC faculty and staff, students age thirteen (13) through college-age, and children age twelve (12) and under. Tickets to all Series events may be purchased through the Keihin Auditorium Box Office or online at eTix.

Persons interested in more information about the Edgecombe Performance Series should contact the Cultural Arts Director at (252) 823-5166, ext. 187.