Feb 11, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 


Academic Advising and Registration

Roles and Responsibilities of Academic Advisors

Academic advising is a cooperative effort between the advisor, other program and related faculty, and the Student Support Services counselor. Designed to assist the college’s students in succeeding academically, academic advising recognizes the importance of student decision-making and sees others as support for the students’ personal goals and responsibilities.

Retention and support of students are critical during the first year of students’ enrollment at the institution and need to be continued throughout students’ educational programs. Students’ instructors and advisors have specific responsibilities for the provision of the services related to counseling and advising.

The advisors’ role in the student-centered advisement model at the college is to work cooperatively with the Student Support Services counselor to provide ongoing assistance to students. The advisor receives appropriate training in the college delivery model to be able to facilitate students in their progress toward reaching their educational goals.

The advisor has responsibilities in three major areas: registration, academic support, and graduation.


Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Help students clarify their program choices and provide information to students.
  2. May provide personal contact that includes the advisor name and role. This contact may be made by letter, note, phone call, or email to students after an application has been received. Additional mid-term contact regarding course registration/scheduling is expected.
  3. Are accessible.
  4. Meet with students twice the first semester (once within the first three weeks and again prior to registration) and at least once each semester thereafter.
  5. Assist new students in registration and coordinate the registration of continuing students.
  6. Work collaboratively with Developmental Studies advisors to ensure that students are placed into appropriate developmental courses.

Early and Final Registration

Once students have been admitted and have received their placement test scores, they are assigned advisors based on their selected field of study. If students require developmental coursework, they are assigned to and advised by developmental advisors in collaboration with program advisors until they are ready to begin college-level work.

Students are encouraged to plan in advance for the registration process. Advisors are able to enroll students only during the two weeks of early registration or during the final registration period. However, students can be advised and work out their schedules at any time.

Students are strongly encouraged to register prior to or during early registration for two reasons. First, if there is a high demand for a particular class, it is much easier to open a second section during early registration than during late registration. Second, classes are much less likely to be full, so the chances that students will get exactly the schedule they want are greatly improved. Students who register early have until the end of the current semester to pay their fees. If they do not pay by the end of the semester, they are deregistered and have to begin the process again during final registration. Advisors may register students any time during or after the early registration period. However, due to their busy schedules, students should make an appointment.

If students are on financial aid, their records in Colleague should indicate the award. If the award is not found in the records and students claim to be receiving aid, they need to return to the Financial Aid Office in order to get the award posted before they are allowed to register.


Once students register with advisors, their spot is held until they pay their fees, have been awarded financial aid, or until the next deregistration occurs. Deregistration is a process performed by the Registrar that removes from courses all registered students who have not paid their tuition and fees or made arrangements with financial aid to pay tuition and fees. This removal occurs three times for each semester: the last day of the current semester, at the end of final registration (the day before the new semester begins), and at the ten percent (10%) point of the new semester. Students must pay their fees before the next deregistration is scheduled, or they have to start the registration process over again and may not get the courses they had originally signed up for. Failure to pay is not a problem for students on financial aid since their tuition and fees are automatically deducted from their award.

Academic Support

Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Provide adequate time with all students to determine issues and resolve them.
  2. Refer students to a Student Support Services counselor when it is appropriate (academic and personal problems, crisis situations, instructor/student issues).
  3. Refer students to other student support services within the college when appropriate (Career Counseling, Job Placement, Tutoring, and Special Needs).
  4. Is the first stop for students who need help outside the classroom.
  5. Provide information about the college policies and procedures in the Student Handbook and College Catalog while stressing the responsibilities of students.


WebAdvisor enables students to search for classes, register for classes, communicate with advisors and more. Students must use WebAdvisor to get their grades after each semester. All students must meet with or contact their academic advisor prior to registering on WebAdvisor. Students receiving financial aid who register for a course that is not required in their assigned program of study will be subject to administrative withdrawal and/or repayment of the tuition for the course. All students are issued a WebAdvisor account when they register for their very first class. To login, the User ID is the same as the MyEdge email login but the default password is the last six (6) digits of the student’s social security number. Example: Student John Smith, born May 18, 1988, with a SSN of 123-45-6789, would login the first time with User ID: jsmith0518 and password: 456789. After logging in the first time, students must change their password. The WebAdvisor password must be at least six (6) characters long but no more than nine (9) characters. It must contain both letters and numbers. Students must remember the new password they choose for future use with their WebAdvisor account. Visit the Technical Support page for more information.

To determine their User ID and login to MyEdge email,Moodle, WebAdvisor, or any online Edgecombe account, students may go to EdgeID.