Feb 11, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 

Academic Advising & Registration

Roles and Responsibilities of Academic Advisors

Academic advising is a cooperative effort between the advisor, other program and related faculty, and the Student Support Services counselor. Academic advising is designed to assist the college’s students in succeeding academicallyrecognizing the importance of student decision-making, and sees others as support for the students’ personal goals and responsibilities.

Retention and support of students are critical during the first year of students’ enrollment at the institution and should continue throughout students’ educational programs. Students’ instructors and advisors have specific responsibilities for the provision of the services related to counseling and advising.

The advisors’ role in the student-centered advisement model at the college is to work cooperatively with the Student Support Services counselor and the Student Success Center to provide ongoing assistance to students. The advisor receives appropriate training in the college delivery model to be able to facilitate students in their progress toward reaching their educational goals.

The advisor has responsibilities in three major areas: academic support, academic planning, registration, and graduation.

Academic Support

Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Help students clarify their program choices and provide information to students.
  2. Upon receiving an application, may provide personal contact that includes the advisor name and role. Communication may be by letter, note, phone call, or email to students. Advisors may make additional mid-term contact regarding course scheduling and registration.
  3. Are accessible.
  4. Meet with students twice the first semester (once within the first three weeks and again before registration) and at least once each semester after that.
  5. Assist new students in enrollment and coordinate the registration of continuing students.

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Academic Planning

Once students have selected their program of study, they are assigned an academic advisor. Student Services will register new students. After the first semester, an assigned advisor will assist students with planning a schedule.

Students should be encouraged to plan for the registration process. Students are required to set up appointments to meet their academic advisors during the advertised advising weeks. There is an advising hold placed on each returning student that will be removed by the advisor once they have advised the student. Advisors are readily available to plan student’s academic progress during the advertised advising weeks or the final registration period. Students may see an advisor in person by visiting the Student Success Center on either campus or make contact by phone or email.

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Advisors perform the following functions:

  1. Assist students in reviewing their records of credits completed toward their certificate, diploma, or degree, and graduation. Provide students with student employment services information at that time.
  2. Work with Student Services to have a system of providing an exit interview for all students near program completion to discuss jobs/career choices, goals, or additional training as desired.
  3. Direct students to schedule the Career Readiness Certificate exam (CRC).

The college holds a commencement exercise at the end of the spring semester to award degrees, diplomas, and certificates. The college calendar lists the specific date for commencement. All students receiving degrees, diplomas, and certificates are expected to attend commencement exercises. Students should see their advisor or Student Services for a “Graduation Request” form the semester before they plan to graduate. For inclusion in the graduation process, students must submit a “Graduation Request” form to Student Services by the posted deadline each year.

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Self-Service is a one-stop-shop for student planning, financial aid, grades, tax information, and billing statements. Students must use Self-Service to get their grades after each semester. All students have issued to them a Self-Service account when they apply. Students can access Self-Service by clicking on the Student Portal tab found on the College’s homepage. If you have technical questions about Self-Service, create a support ticket. 

The following are tabs students can access through Self-Service:

  • Student Planning - enables students to search and plan for courses, register for classes, communicate with advisors and more.
  • Financial Aid - enables students to check progress, access forms, and communicate with a financial aid advisor.
  • Grades - enables students to view their grades for previous semesters and midterm grades for the current semester.
  • Tax Information - enables students to access relevant tax information online.
  • Student Finance - enables students to access billing statements, which contain their class schedule.

All students must meet with or contact their academic advisor before registering through Self-Service.

Students receiving financial aid should not register for a course not needed in their program of study. Students who do so will be subject to withdrawal and repayment of tuition.

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Students will register themselves, in Self Service, during the advertised priority registration weeks. Students are strongly encouraged to register during priority registration for two reasons. First, if there is a high demand for a particular course, it is much easier to open an additional section for priority registration. Second, classes are much less likely to be full, so the chances that students will get precisely the schedule they want are significantly improved.

If students are on financial aid, their records in Self Service should indicate the award. If unavailable in Self Service, students need to return to the Financial Aid Office.


Until they pay their fees, have been awarded financial aid, or the next deregistration occurs, a student’s registration ensures their spot in a class. Deregistration is a process performed by the Registrar that removes students from courses who have not paid their tuition and fees or made arrangements with financial aid to pay tuition and fees. This removal occurs at the following times each semester:  the end of registration (the day before the new semester begins), and at the end of each day during the drop/add period. Students must pay their fees before the next deregistration is scheduled, or they have to start the registration process over again and may not get the courses for which they had first registered. Students on financial aid have their tuition and fees automatically deducted from their awards, so failure to pay is not an issue.

Course Numbering

Course numbering employs the following system:

  1. A three-letter prefix and numbers ranging from 001-099 indicate supplemental studies courses. Supplemental studies courses do not earn academic credit.
  2. A three-letter prefix and numbers ranging from 110-199 or 210-299 denote courses in A.A., A.G.E., A.S., and A.A.S. degrees.
  3. A three-letter prefix and numbers ranging from 100-109 or 200-209 denote diploma courses.
  4. A four-letter prefix and numbers ranging from 2000-4000 denote continuing education courses beyond the high school level.

Schedule Changes and Drop/Adds

Students are expected to plan their schedules with the assistance of their advisors. All changes, including drops, adds, or section changes, must be adjusted during the drop/add period the first five (5) school days of the fall and spring semesters and the first three (3) school days of the summer semester. Students with changes in scheduling can seek assistance in the Student Success Center on either campus.

The following additional guidelines apply:

  1. Students may withdraw from a class up until the seventy-five percent (75%) point of the semester without penalty.
  2. No student will be allowed to withdraw from any class after the seventy-five percent (75%) point or after the course has ended. 
  3. Students are not allowed to change a course initially taken for credit to audit status after the drop/add period.
  4. Students who stop attending a course at any point in the semester but do not officially drop may receive an “F” in that course.
  5. All veterans should contact the advisor for Veteran Affairs in Student Services before dropping any course.
  6. A standard semester is sixteen (16) weeks.

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Distance Learning

Distance Learning at Edgecombe Community College (ECC) includes those classes that do not require classroom attendance making them available for individuals to take anytime and anywhere. Courses include curriculum college-credit courses, Continuing Education non-credit courses, and the online GED/Adult High School Diploma program. The distance learning classes are best suited for mature, self-motivated students who have adequate study skills and do not need to be reminded to study and complete their assignments. Student support services, such as the library, student services, and financial aid, are available without being on campus. Changing lives with quality instruction and genuine concern from instructors is an integral part of Distance Learning at ECC.

Available Courses/Programs

Curriculum Courses

Three types of distance learning curriculum courses are offered at the college: online courses, hybrid courses, and blended courses.


Students may take online courses anytime and anywhere they have access to the Internet. Classroom attendance is not required. The online curriculum classes compare to traditional classroom courses in that they earn the same credit, have the same quality and standards, are fully accredited, and have the same course objectives. Support services are available online for students taking online courses.


Hybrid courses combine the traditional classroom and the Internet. By the NCCCS definition, a hybrid class meets 51% or more online or no more than 49% face-to-face. Therefore, depending on the instructor, students will complete most of the class online during the semester and attend face-to-face the remainder of the time. As with online delivery, hybrid courses earn the same credit and have the same quality and standards as face-to-face courses. Likewise, support services are available online or on-campus for students taking hybrid courses.


Blended courses combine the traditional classroom and the Internet similar to hybrid classes. By the NCCCS definition, a blended course meets 50% or more face-to-face or no more than 50% online. Therefore, depending on the instructor, students will attend half or more of the class on campus during the semester and complete the remainder online. As with online or hybrid delivery, blended courses earn the same credit and have the same quality and standards as face-to-face courses. Likewise, support services are available on campus or online for students taking blended courses.

Clicking on “Find Classes” on the Academics menu on the ECC home page will return a schedule of curriculum course offerings including online, hybrid, and blended delivery methods.

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Online Degree Programs

Edgecombe Community College has seven (7) online degree programs: Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Accounting, Business Administration, Early Childhood, Geospatial Technology, and Health Information Technology. Students never have to come on campus to receive a degree in these programs; the courses are entirely online.


The Ed2Go non-credit online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. These courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas (chat rooms), and supplementary links. All classes run for six weeks with a two-week grace period after the end.

These courses begin every month and students may complete them from the home or office during the day or evening. Twenty-four (24) contact hours in length; they generate 2.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). These courses require Internet access, email, and a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. The classes qualify for teacher renewal. Upon successful completion of a course, students receive an official certificate issued by the Division of Corporate and Community Development. For further information, interested persons should call (252) 823-5166, ext. 357.

GED/Adult High School Online

Students can prepare for the GED exam or the Adult High School Diploma at home, using the Internet. Both programs are free of charge and are fully accredited.

On-Campus orientation is a recommendation for the Online Adult High School Diploma program. Prospective GED students need to visit the Learning Lab on the Tarboro or Rocky Mount campus to take a placement test and to take the actual GED Test.

Windows 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP are required.

For more information on the GED/Adult High School Diploma Online program, interested persons should call (252) 823-5166, ext. 229.

Characteristics of Successful Distance Learning Students

Extensive research has shown that there are certain qualities distance learning students should have to perform well in this type of instruction. Successful distance learning students are:

  • Mature, self-directed, and goal-oriented
  • Disciplined and organized
  • Dependable and responsible
  • Capable of working independently and keeping up with assignments
  • At the necessary college reading and writing skill levels
  • Critical thinkers and problem solvers
  • Qualified to take a course having completed the required prerequisites
  • Comfortable with basic word processing
  • Familiar with computer hardware and prepared to use the necessary software
  • Familiar with sending and receiving email

Distance learning students should be willing to participate in a course orientation session, when applicable; begin course activities within the first week of the course; on a routine basis set aside an adequate amount of time for study, and contact the course instructor promptly with questions about aspects of the course.

Computer Requirements

Students are expected to have:

  • Access to a stable high-speed Internet connection
  • Access to a recent desktop or laptop computer running an up-to-date operating system and an up-to-date Web browser. A Windows-based computer is preferred. Mobile devices may not be sufficient for course completion.
  • An email account. MyEdge student email is provided to curriculum students.
  • Microsoft Word processing software. Some online classes may also require Microsoft PowerPoint. Office 365 (which includes Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) is available free to ECC curriculum students. See the Moodle login page for instructions on getting Office 365.

There may also be additional software and hardware requirements, such as a webcam and microphone. Check with your instructor.

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Moodle is the software used by the college for all online instructional content. Access Moodle to complete an online orientation, which is required for most new students.

Moodle Login Information
  1. Go to ECC’s website
  2. On the right side of the window, click “STUDENT PORTAL.”
  3. In the menu that drops down, click “Moodle.”
  4. Use the following information to set a username and password and then use those to log in:

Your Moodle user login name is your first initial, last name, and first four digits of your date of birth.

Example - John Smith Born May 18, 1988, the username would be: jsmith0518.


The password for Moodle, Self Service, and MyEdge email accounts is the same. Please use the following instructions to create your password for Moodle, Self Service, and MyEdge email accounts.

  1. Go to Self Service.
  • Verify you can access login with your UserID (which is the same as your UserID you have for your MyEdge email account). The UserID is your first initial, last name month & day you were born. Example: Joe Smith born on August 2 would be jsmith0802. Your default password is the last six digits of your social security number. Example: If your SSN is 123-45-6789, your password would be 456789.
  • Once logged in, you will be forced to change this password. First, enter your UserID and your password (last six digits of your SSN). You will be prompted to choose a new password. The new password must be between six and nine characters and contain both letters and numbers. Submit & logout. Please log back into Self Service to make sure your new password is working. Note: If you ever want to change your password, go to the EdgeID link below.
  1. Once your Self Service login is working (with the new password), you must go to the following link to activate and enroll your ID and password: https://edgeid.edgecombe.edu. Everyone (even those who already had a Self Service/Webadvisor account) should complete the activation process.
  • To activate your UserID/Password, click on “Enroll.”
  • Enter your UserID and password (you just created in Self Service).
  • You will be prompted to answer three security questions. Enter your answers. Answers to security questions are case sensitive.
  • Click on “Enroll”
  1. Check your Self Service and MyEdge email accounts immediately to be sure your new password was accepted.

Moodle Support/Report Problems

For technical support and to report problems, please contact Mr. Arnold Worsley, Moodle Administrator: (252) 618-6639. You may also complete a Tech Support Request Form.

Tutorial Support

Edgecombe Community College also offers online tutorial support through Smarthinking, a leading provider of online tutoring and academic support. The free software provides live assistance from a tutor anytime, from anywhere, 24/7. Students will receive a link to Smarthinking in their Moodle course.

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Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is designed to give students enrolled in selected programs in the college an opportunity to elect to work on a job relevant to their major while earning credit toward their degree. This combination of classroom instruction with practical, related work experience provides numerous benefits to participating students.

WBL students may work one (1) or two (2) semesters in part-time or full-time jobs with employers selected or approved by the college depending on their program of study. Students receive academic credit for the learning gained during the WBL work period. Students are contacted or visited periodically by their WBL or program instructor/coordinator and receive on-the-job supervision from their employer. If interested, contact your program advisor or the WBL Coordinator at (252) 823-5166, ext. 164.


All students enrolled in programs that require or offer the elective option of Work-based Learning (WBL) for academic credit and who have completed a minimum of nine (9) credit hours within the appropriate program of study may be eligible to enter the Work-based Learning program. Students must meet the following conditions:

  1. Must possess the skills to be a credible employee.
  2. Be at least seventeen (17) years of age, subject to the rules and regulations of the NC Department of Labor Youth Employment Laws, and the US Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act.
  3. Have a minimum academic standing of a two-point-zero grade point average (2.0 GPA).
  4. Be approved by the WBL coordinator and their faculty advisor.
  5. Be in an eligible program of study.
  6. Have a WBL worksite (volunteer or paid) that relates to their major.
  7. Not be supervised by a family member.
  8. Take no more than four (4) WBL courses in a selected major.

Curriculum Program Restrictions

Students must be enrolled in a curriculum program to participate in a work-based learning activity. Curriculum students cannot be “tuition exempted.” Students in the following academic programs may not participate in WBL:

  1. Career & College Promise Students
  2. Special Credit Students
  3. Associate in General Education Students
  4. Gifted and Mature Students (under 16 years of age)
  5. Programs in a Correctional Setting (23 NCAC 02E.0403)(c)

Application Procedure

Interested students should obtain an application from their faculty advisor or the Work-Based Learning Office. The application should be approved and signed by their faculty advisor then turned into the WBL office. If students receive acceptance to the WBL program, the WBL coordinator or faculty advisor makes suggestions for locating employment. It is the student’s responsibility to locate employment, and it is the job of the WBL coordinator to approve the employment site. In some cases, students may already be employed appropriately and may bring this employment to the attention of the faculty advisor and the WBL coordinator.

Students interested in Work-Based Learning are encouraged to contact the WBL office before the start of the semester. Information is also available through faculty advisors and the Student Services Department.


All students enrolled in Work-Based Learning classes are required to attend a mandatory orientation session. During orientation, students receive instructions and explanations regarding the student workbook, rules, and regulations of the Work-Based Learning Program. Work-Based Learning workbooks are available for purchase from the bookstore and students should obtain one before attending orientation. Students are required to complete and return certain pages of the book throughout the semester at times designated during orientation. The completed workbook is due at the end of the semester for grading.

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Academic Credit

Students earn one (1) credit hour for the satisfactory completion of one-hundred-sixty (160) contact hours or ten (10) hours worked per week during a sixteen (16) week period. Two (2) credit hours are awarded for the satisfactory completion of three-hundred-twenty (320) contact hours or twenty (20) hours worked per week during a sixteen (16) week period. Students must also take a corequisite one (1) contact hour seminar course in addition to their one (1) or two (2) SHC work experience course. Depending upon the curriculum, WBL students may earn up to six (6) semester hours of Work-Based Learning credit toward their degree or diploma requirements.

A significant portion of the final grade relies on the employer evaluation of students’ work performance and the degree to which the student meets measurable learning objectives for each WBL period, as well as the students’ ability to meet deadlines promptly. Each approved curriculum program offering Work-Based Learning as an elective designates the total credit hours that apply toward graduation.

Explanation of Class Placement

Each level of Work-Based Learning has two (2) choices for classes, a one (1) credit hour course or a two (2) credit hour course, either of which must be taken with a corequisite one (1) credit hour seminar course. Students must take classes in order of levels. The levels and corresponding course information are as follows:

Level 1

WBL 111 - 1 Credit Hour - 160 Work Hours per Semester


WBL 112 - 2 Credit Hours - 320 Work Hours per Semester

  • No Prerequisites Required
  • Corequisite of WBL 115 Required
Level 2

WBL 121 - 1 Credit Hour - 160 Work Hours per Semester


WBL 122 - 2 Credit Hours - 320 Work Hours per Semester

  • No Prerequisites Required
  • Corequisite of WBL 125 Required

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